SERRADIFALCO [Sicilian: SERRADIFARCU] was written by
Giuseppe Testa in 1990, to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the founding of the town. Below is
a partial translation. Some parts of the original Italian
are shown, in blue, with translation. Where Latin footnotes were used, they are shown in
red, but without any translation. Blank pages are omitted, therefore
page numbers are not always continuous. More will be added
eventually. [Editorial comments by me are shown in this way.]
For sending this treasure of a
book, thanks to Giuseppe Micciché, great-great-grandson of Gaetano Coniglio and
Maria Carmela Calabrese, who were my grandparents.
Tom Palmeri, another son of Serradifarchisi
emigrants, has posted
a PDF file of the entire book, at Thanks, Tom!
Tom also has an excellent wbebsite detailing his (successful) quest to
become a dual Sicilian/American citizen, at
~ Angelo F. Coniglio

a cura dellAmministrazione Comunale
(edited by the Town Administration)
Ai Giovani
di Serradifalco
G. T.
To the Youth
of Serradifalco
G. T.
La ricostruzione storica degli avvenimenti umani è sempre un problema aperto e difficile.
Scegliere fra i fatti accaduti, quelli che si stimano più importanti, porta ad un
inevitabile elemento di soggettività dovuto al punto di vista dello storico, che deve
essere comunque compreso e giudicato. I Serradifalchesi hanno sempre avvertito il
bisogno di conoscere la propria storia e le proprie origini. Le poche notizie
storiche spesso confuse, tramandate da generazione in generazione, non hanno mai
soddisfatto la nostra voglia di conoscerci.
La nostra Serradifalco è legata con mille fili al passato, ed è al passato che dobbiamo
rivolgere la nostra mente e il nostro cuore, cercando di riprendere quei fili che il tempo
ha spezzato, per comprendere la nostra originaria fisionomia collettiva e l'evoluzione
della nostra comunità, consapevoli che per quanto grande possa essere il contributo che
una generazione da alla propria comunità, tale contributo è sempre più piccolo di
quello che la stessa generazione eredita dagli uomini vissuti nel passato, e che ha
permesso il suo vivere nel presente.
Il 350o anniversario della fondazione del nostro Comune è stato l'occasione
per l'Amministrazione comunale per invitare la nostra collettività a ripercorrere
insieme, grazie al lavoro del Prof. G. Testa, la nostra storia; per sottolineare
avvenimenti più o meno importanti, per parlare di uomini illustri, di contadini,
minatori, di gente umile, che insieme hanno costruito il nostro presente.
La storia di questa Serra del Falco è la storia in cui noi tutti viviamo e
non potremmo farlo consapevolmente senza conoscerla, ma è soprattutto la
nostra storia che consegnamo gelosamente ai Serradifalchesi e a quanti amano
il nostro Paese.
Prof. Egidio Speziale
Assessore alla Cultura
The historical
reconstruction of human events is always an open and difficult problem. To choose between
the factual events, those that are believed more important, brings an unavoidable element
of subjectivity with the point of view of the historian, which must however be included
and considered. The Serradifalcan has always perceived the "need" to know his
own history and his own origins. The sparse, often confused historical information, handed
on from generation to generation, has never satisfied our desire "to know
Our Serradifalco is tied with
thousands of threads to the past, and it is to the past that we must turn our mind and our
heart, trying to restore those threads that time has broken, in order to comprehend our
original collective facade and the evolution of our community, aware that however great a
generations contribution to its own community, such contribution is always less than
what we inherit from those who lived in the past, who have allowed us "to be
living" in the present.
The 350th anniversary of
the foundation of our Comune has been the occasion for the Town Administration to invite
our community to retrace our history together, thanks to the work of Prof. G. Testa; to
emphasize events more or less important, and to speak of illustrious men, of peasants,
miners, and of humble folk, who together have constructed our present.
The history of this "Mountain
of the Hawk" is the history in which we all live, and we could not be aware without
knowing it, but is above all "our" history, which we deliver proudly to
Serradifalcans and to those who love our Town.
Prof. Egidio Speziale
City Councillor for Culture
After innumerable difficulties of every kind, finally, today I can say that the historical
picture of Serradifalco, from its origin to our day, is completed in all its essential parts.
The work has been long, but the satisfaction remains
of having contributed by placing one small pebble into the structure of the knowledge of
this Town.
From it, other searches will be able to spring, other
relations, in order to uncover, as years pass, a more and more complete picture.
The difficulties began at the start: to put order to
many, varied and isolated items, and to propose a serious, scientific, sure vision, based
only and exclusively on documentation: from the real property and feudal fiefs (the
Moncada, Graffeo, Lo Faso) to several social, economic, religious, and political events,
happening over the course of three and a half centuries, imbedded in the Sicilian
panorama, and on that vaster national and European stage.
My greater satisfaction comes from having received as
never before a sensitive, careful, spontaneous and cordial collaboration from so many
Serrafalcan citizens, agencies, institutions, and associations, that it is very difficult
to list them all.
But I cannot do less than to list in this long
directory Mayor prof. Michele Territo with all the Councilmen, who have put their
confidence in me, to see an ancient aspiration realized; the Communal Secretary geom.
Vincenzo Mazzara and all the Employees of the Municipal Offices; the archpriest Galante;
the directors of the Institute of San Giuseppe and the College of Maria; the Gentlemen
Salvatore Petix, Agostino Aquilina , Camilla Licalsi, Filippo Genco ...
Moreover, Dr. Claudio Torrisi with the Civil
employees and Employees of the Archives of State of Caltanissetta; The Employees of the
Archives of State of Palermo, of the Communal Libraries of Caltanissetta and Palermo; of
the Library of the Sicilian Region, Palermo; of the Diocesan Administration of Agrigento;
prof. Rosa Scaglione Guccione, General Secretary, and prof. Massimo Ganci, President of
the Sicilian Society for the History of Birthplace Palermo; Dr. the Grazi Fallico
Burgarella, Supervisor of the Archives of State of Sicily; the Gentlemen Franco Sedia and
Orazio Rotondo of the Papal chancery of the Civil Court of Caltanissetta ...
And finally, I must complete this list with my Wife,
and my sons Claudio and Ivano. Without their collaboration I would have never carried this
history to fulfillment.
Campofranco, November 1990
G. T.
ASCL - Archivio di
Stato di Caltanissetta
Archives of State of Caltanissetta
ASPA - Archivio di Stato di Palermo
Archives of State of Palermo
ASPP - Archivio di Storio Patria
Palermo, Lo Faso
Archives of the History of Birthplace Palermo, Lo Faso
ACAG - Archivio della Curia Vescovile
di Agrigento
Archives of the Diocesan Administration of Agrigento
S.V.P. - Sacre Visite Pastorale
Decrees from Holy Visits
ACSe - Archivio del Comune di
Archives of the Community of Serradifalco
AMSe - Archivio della Chiesa Madre di
Archives of the Mother Church of Serradifalco
ATCL - Archivio del Tribunale Civile
di Serradifalco
Archives of the Civil Court of Serradifalco
ASS - Archivio
Storico Siciliano, Palermo
Sicilian Historical Archive, Palermo
ASSO - Archivio Storico Della Sicilia
Orientale, Catania
Historical Archives of Eastern Sicily, Catania
ASM - Archivio Storico di
Historical Archives of Messina
NQM - Nuovi Quaterni del Meridione,
New Views of Southern Italy, Palermo
AGTC - Archivio di Giuseppe Testa,
Archives of Giuseppe Testa, Campofranco |
Le fotografie moderne sono di Angelo Gallo, Salvatore Middione,
Giuseppe Di Francesco, Giuseppe Testa, Pubblifoto, Archivio di Stato di Caltanissetta e di
Palermo; varie fotocopie.
Di quelle antiche sopnosciamo lautore e lo studio fotographico.
The modern photographs are by Angelo Gallo, Salvatore Middione, Giuseppe Di
Francesco, Giuseppe Testa, Pubblifoto, Archive of the Records of Caltanissetta and of
Palermo; various photocopies.
For the older ones, the creators or the photographic studios are unknown.

Archeologia del Territorio
<<Ogni sette anni, a mezzanotte in punto, nella piazzetta vicino alla sorgente
la testa di l'acqua, si svolge una magica fiera. Chi vuole assistervi deve
salire su un gran masso che sorge sull'acqua, prima dei ventiquattro rintocchi, e vedrà
come per incanto illuminarsi tutta la piazzetta come se fosse pieno giorno. Vedrà quindi
una gran quantità di buoi, di pecore, capre, e vicino prender posto i rivenditori di
arnesi di lavoro, per i campi, per le officine, per gli usi comuni.
E vedrà anche rivenditori di
frutta come mele, melarance, melagrane. Tutti si affollano ma nessuno compra, nessuno
vende. Se si riesce per prima a comprare anche un solo frutto spigna la fiera e diviene
ricco, perche il frutto e un masso tutto d'oro zecchino.
Questa fiera avviene ogni sette
Similmante alla <<fiera di
mezzanotte>>, vi sono tante altr leggende e tradizioni di Serradifalco,
che narrano di ant chi abitatori, grandi re siculi sicani greci o romani,
immense ricchezze do melagrani d’oro, rubini e ptetre preziose
sotterrate e sparse tra le contrade di Serradifalco.
Potremmo continuare, ma
il nostro cammino volge in tutt’altro campo lontano da fantasie, dove
. 1S.D. Di Raimondi, in SICANIA, anno 1, No. 6, 1 dicembre
1913, pag. 211 <<La fiera di mezzanotte>> (Serradifalco).
Archaeology of the Territory
seven years, at midnight on the dot, in the little plaza close to the fountain, 'the head of water', a magical fair
unfolds. Those who are careful to observe must go up on a large rock that rises above the
water, before the clock strikes twenty-four times, and they will see, as though by
enchantment, a light illuminating all the plaza as if it were broad daylight. They will
see there a large number of cattle, of sheep, and goats, and near the corral, vendors of
work implements, for the fields, workshops, and common uses.
And they will also see vendors of
fruit like apples, oranges, and pomegranates. Everyone crowds around, but nobody buys, no
one sells. If someone succeeds in buying even a single fruit, the festival lights go out,
the fair ends, and he becomes rich, because the fruit is a heap of gold coins.
This festival appears every seven
years "1.
Like the
“midnight fair”, there are many other legends and traditions of
Serradifalco, which tell of ancient inhabitants, great kings of the
Siculi, Sicani, Greeks or Romans, immense riches of golden pomegranates,
rubies and precious stones, buried and spread throughout the streets of
We could continue, but our walk
turns to another field entirely, far from fantasies, where
1S.D. Di Raimondi, in
SICANIA, vol. 1, no. 6, 1 December 1913, p. 211 "The midnight fair"
archaelogy is not confused with the
supernatural, and where ancient and remote reality is confirmed by visible and infallible
Our voyage takes us to the research
of royalty, and of the historical record of the town, and not to the head of
water but elsewhere, in the footsteps of a great researcher, Antonio Salinas,
who in 1883 wrote thusly in his Archaeological Excursions in Sicily, regarding our
On this road from
Serradifalco leading to the sulfur mine of Grotta dacqua (the Grotto of water),
before joining with the Zagaredda casina, are seen crypts and ruined
sepulchral chambers, also containing crypts.2
And that is the lone
testimony, unfortunately, of a remote epoch, immeasurable, suffused in mystery and wrapped
in a haze.
Biagio Pace wrote no more, in his
work Art and Civilization of Ancient Sicily; he repeated the information, without
any addition:
the indicated crypts near Serradifalco not far from the sulfur
mine of Grotta dacqua (from feudal times) are from the Christian epoch3. [English editors note: Pace appears to be wrong;
some of the tombs are from prehistoric Siculan or Sicanian times.]
Lo Faso himself, Duke of Serradifalco, the great archaeologist, writer and author of
various scientific works, from whom we expected some specific and interesting words,
reports not a single recollection of the land and the feudal fief of his ancestors.
Only in 1917, Siculus (who
was most certainly Salvatore Raccuglia) made a thorough investigation and a detailed
description, which was published in SICANIA, with many notes revised in March of that
year, and begins in this way4;
Siculan sites in Sicily.
Grotta dAcqua
When leaving Caltanissetta by rail towards Canicatti, between San Cataldo and
Serradifalco, and exactly midway between the first and second tunnel, a little beyond
signal box 143, on the vista to the left you see a group of houses, on the flank of a
small stream, and standing above them a small mountain falling almost vertically, and
whose face is all spread with holes, some rectangular, like glass windows, others
semicircular, more or less widened, like the mouths of ovens, excavated in the rock.
The place is called the Cave of Water after a natural grotto
from which issues a spring that is
SALINAS, Escursione Archeologiche in Sicilia, A.S.S., VII, 1883, fasc. I-IV, pag.
3 BIAGIO PACE, Arte e Civiltà della Sicilia Antica, Milano,
1935, vol. IV, pag. 174. Il Duca Domenico Lo Faso Pietrasanta, archeologo scrisse Le
antichita di Sicila esposte ed illustrate, 5 volumi.
4 SICANIA, anno V, 1 marzo 1917, n. 3, pag. 103.
2 ANTONINO SALINAS, Archaeologcal Excursions in Sicily, A.S.S.,
VII, 1883, par. I-IV, p. 107.
3 BIAGIO PACE, Art and Civilization of
Ancient Sicily, Milano, 1935, vol. IV, p. 174. Duke Domenico Lo Faso Pietrasanta,
archaeologist, wrote The antiquities of Sicily explained and illustrated, 5
4 SICANIA, vol. V, March 1, 1917, no. 3,
p. 103. |
channeled into a fountain built
beside a country lane, possibly the remnant of an ancient trail; and the mountain is
called Grotta dacqua, and
whats more this name belongs to all of an ancient feudal district, that extends for
many kilometers to the south and east, and it is given to the lands, and to the assets and
buildings that spring up there.
The holes that
open in the mountain are entrances to small caverns of a Siculan necropolis, excavated by
men, whose village could be found on the plateau that overlooks the mountain.
The caves have the shape of ovens,
with a flat floor and walls that rise curving, until they actually form a hemispherical
vault. They resemble tombs of the second age of the Siculans, prominent in 800 BC, at the
time of the first population of Sicily, by Siculans or Sicanians.
At the lower slopes of the mountain are
two larger caves, one called the Cave of the Fates, the other with traces of
crypts, by now ruined, that bring to mind a small catacomb.
There is nothing to say what was
the history of the village, which built the necropolis, and every trace is lost, even its
name of old.
Archaeologists, writers,
historians, geographers, all ignore the ancient epoch of these caves. Neither is there
anyone who speaks of the other feudal fiefs or of the territory of Serradifalco.
Rodano, who was well informed on
the antique works of Gela, Butera, Mazzarino, Sutera, Riesi and Pietraperzia, modern
cities born in the ancient epoch with the names of Terranova, of Omphace, Mactorion,
Sotjr, Altariba and Caulonia, doesnt even wink at Serradifalco in his work5.
Nor are records or information
brought out by Amico or Villabianca, even up to todays Ernesto De Miro, in his
singular Archaeology of the Nissene, or Vincezo La Rosa
We have gone to the Government
Department responsible for archaeological excavations in Agrigento, but among the numerous
reports, which consider excavations of Butera, Mussomeli, Santa Caterina, Milena, Monte
Desusino, and Costa di Mandorle, there does not exist one report with the name of our
It is rumored, as often happens in
Sicilian villages rich in history, of fortuitous archaeological finds in the surrounding
territory. But if they havent been discovered officially and excavated by the
Government Department, a face will not be able to be given to the shadows, nor will they
be changed to firm declarations.
5 LEONARDO RODANO, Sulle città che furano nella Provincia di
Caltanissetta, Caltanissetta, 1859.
5 L EONARDO RODANO, On the Cities that existed in the Province
of Caltanissetta, Caltanissetta, 1859. |
Equally vague and uncertain is the placing in Serradifalco of the Castle of Minsiario and
the hamlet of Minzel, given by King Frederic II to bishop Ursone, in consideration for
services received from the church of Agrigento.
To Minsciar, eighteen miles
through the plain and between the mountains of Girgenti.
Minsiario was determined by Amari
to be in SantAngelo Muxaro, or Montedoro. Salvatore Raccuglia, in SICANIA, proposed
and insisted that it was in Serradifalco6.
This castle, writes
Raccuglia, is at the peak of a steep mountain; the inhabited area around it is
cultivated, has much land for planting, and is rich in agricultural products. From
Serradifalco to Al Quatta [Canicatti] is
about half a day, ten miles.
6 La
Sicilia nel 1154 di Ibn Idris, di SALVATORE RACCUGLIA,
in SICANIA, n. 49, anno V, 1917, n. 8, pag. 43.
dei Musulmani di Sicilia, Catania 1933, I vol., pag. 480, n. 2.
PAOLO COLLURA, Le più antiche carte dellArchivio Capitolare di Agrigento (1092-1282),
Palermo 1960, pagg. 97-98, nota 1.
6 The Sicily of Ibn Idris in 1154, by
SALVATORE RACCUGLIA, in SICANIA, no. 49, vol. V, 1917, no. 8,
p. 43.
of the Moslems of Sicily, Catania 1933, vol. I, p. 480, no. 2.
oldest papers of the Capitular Archives of Agrigento (1092-1282), Palermo 1960, pp.
97-98, note 1. |
- 1086 - 1617)

After the ancient and archaeological age, the
name of Serradifalco7 still had not been used for the
lands of this feudal fief.
in SICANIA, (S.D.) anno 11, gen. 1914; n. 1, pag. 13 riporta
una leggenda toponomastica siciliana: |
Serra del falcone |
Sullo stradale che porta dalla stazione ferroviaria verso il
paese, vicino il secondo ponte, a de stra, si nota un
avvallamento di terreno, accanto al quale si erge una
collina, sulla quale vi è una rupe chiamata da tempo remoto:
la Serra dal falcone.
Nei pressi della rupe
viveva un contadino che allevava pulcini. Ogni tanto un
falcone, eludendo la sua sorveglianza, gliene rapiva
qualcuno. Il contadino, quando sentiva il pigolio dei
pulcini, vedeva già il rapace in alto nel cielo con tra le
grinfie gli animaletti, che si dirigeva sicuro verso il
rifugio della serra, la Serra o la rocca del falco.
Tutto si concluse a lieto
fine, perché il contadino un giorno, finalmente, uccise
l'uccello rapace.
Ed alla rupe, anche con
gli anni a venire, rimase il suggestivo nome di Serra del
La spiegazione del nome
non presenta difficoltà.
nella sua opera Introduzione allo studio del dialetto
siciliano, Palermo, 1975, pag. 128, nella nota n. 4
scrive su serra: «schiena di monte, sommità prerutta: bl.
In un diploma siciliano del 1094, accennato dal Vigo a pag.
23 della Raccolta amplissima apparisce questo sostantivo. Lo
spagnolo ha sierra».
Lo stesso AVOLIO
in un'altra sua opera Di alcuni sostantivi locali del
siciliano, in A.S.S. 1889, NS, anno XIII, a pag. 374, tra i
toponomastici cita:
«numerosi composti con Serra (b. lat. serra, monte)
Serrapizzuta, Serradifarcu, ecc.».
in Saggio di Etimologie siciliane, a cura della Soc.
Sic. per la Storia Patria, Paler mo, 1889, pag. 256, scrive
«Serra (di munti); catena di monti: italiano antica serra
(Poeti del primo secolo); spagnuolo sierra; portoghese e
provenzano serra, catena di monti, già nei più
antichi diplomi spagnuoli; propriamente sega, latino
serra, dalla sua forma dentata. DIEZ 1, 380. |
7 Di RAIMONDI, in SICANIA, (S.D.) vol. 11, January 1914; no. 1, p. 13 reports a toponymous
Sicilian legend: |
The Mountain of
the falcon |
On the road that takes you from the railway
station towards the town, near the second bridge, to the right, you notice a subsidence of
the land, beside which rises a hill, on which is a cliff called, from ancient times, the
Mountain of the falcon.
In the vicinity of the cliff lived
a peasant who raised chicks. Every a once in a while a falcon, eluding his surveillance,
would steal one. The peasant, when he heard the cry of the chicks, used to see the raptor
up in the sky with the little animal between its talons; then, secure, it headed towards
the shelter of the mountain, the Mountain or the Rock of the hawk.
It all had a happy ending, because
one day the peasant finally killed the raptor bird.
And the cliff, even in the years to
come, retained the evocative name of Mountain of the Hawk.
The explanation of the
name is not difficult.
CORRADO AVOLIO, in his work Introduction to the study of the Sicilian dialect,
Palermo, 1975, p. 128, in note no. 4 writes on serra: "hump of mountain,
jagged summit: Low Latin serra.
In a Sicilian certificate of 1094, he pointed out that from Vigo on p. 23 of the Raccolta
amplissima this noun appears. The Spanish word is sierra".
The same AVOLIO in
another work On some local nouns of Sicilian, in A.S.S. 1889, NS, Volume XIII, on
p. 374, regarding toponyms, states:
"many use combinations with Serra (Low Latin serra, mountain)
Serrapizzuta, Serradifarcu, etc.".
GIUSEPPE GIOENI, in Proof of Sicilian Etymologies, edited by
the Sicilian Society for the History of the Patria, Palermo, 1889, p. 256, writes "Serra
(of mountains); mountain chain: ancient Italian
serra (Poets of the first century); Spanish sierra; Portuguese and Provencal serra,
chain of mountains, formerly used in ancient Spanish certificates; properly sega [saw],
Latin serra, from its toothed form. DIEZ 1, 380.
You must imagine
land: land covering many domains, land of limitless borders, or
without any borders, spread over all the farms, hills, mountains and mountain ranges,
watercourses, rivers and springs; land of shepherds with their flocks, land
of haggard lost wayfarers, where the horizon stretched from beginning to end, with
boundaries uncharted.
Land that did not know plow
or planting, battered by the wind, the rain, and the tempests, or scorched by the sun of
July and August, acres and acres of terrain over many fiefs without name or lordships,
possessed by unknown owners, until the Normans.
It was, in fact, the Normans who
began to delimit lands and fiefs, and Roger specifically, to donate them to kinsmen or
soldiers of fortune, who had been covered in glory beneath their battle pennants.
And so for many years, for many
centuries, from the Greek or Roman age, that land, which in time would be called by men
(who was the first? in what age?) the Mountain of the Hawk, was under jurisdiction of the
place that would become known as Caltanissetta. In 406 BC, when the city was founded by
the Carthaginian admiral Nicia, in Sicily to besiege Siracusa, he named it
Castra Nicia. Arabs and Saracens changed the name to Calatanissetta [Qalat al Nissa], which
means "rock or castle of women". And the future Serra del Falco was still
under the purview of Caltanissetta in 1086, when Roger the Grand Count conquered the
castle of Pietrarossa and founded the Royal Abbey of the Holy Spirit. He embellished
Caltanissetta with buildings, and he endowed others with feudal fiefs, parcels of land and
rich gifts.
And after him came his wife
Adelasia, the Grand Countess, and his granddaughter Duchess Adelasia, and his
great-grandson Count Goffredo, with other Princes of the Norman House.
And after their deaths, for other
innumerable generations, their descendants governed.
The name of Serra del Falco,
ignored in the Tax-rolls of Muscia in 1298 and 1408, is seen for the first time in the Capibrevi
of Giovan Luca Barberi, when he tried to put some order to the recording of fiefs with
respect to their owners8.
He writes of the three fiefs of
Serradifalco, Tarbuna, and Salina, in the valley of Mazzara, under
In Sicilian serra also signifies a single mountain, but steep and
ronchioso, and so
appears in many composites: Munsirratu, Serra di lu rimitu, etc.".
The same report is also given by DU CANGE, Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis, VI.
Band, 1954, p. 439.
8 BARTOLOMEO MUSCIA, Sicilia Nobilis, Palermo,
GIOVAN LUCA BARBERI, Capibrevi, Palermo,
1879, f. 379, 380, 381.
the jurisdiction of the Earldom of
Caltanissetta, but he did not know when. Like the rest, Arnico9 wrote: --
I dont know in which year it passed to the Earldom of Caltanissetta.
Serradifalco, Salacio, Grotta
dellacqua, Tarbuna, and Salina, as well as Naro, Sutera, Mussomeli, Delia,
Fontanafredda and other lands in the valley of Mazzara, along with the seigniories of
Caccamo and Gagliano, comprised the jurisdiction of the Earldom of Caltanisetta, rich with
acres and square miles of land, and dominions with flocks and pastures in a jumble of
confused and contradictory records.
Then, little by little, slowly,
names and designations come out; of districts, of territories, of parcels of land, and
farms and estates, on which civil and criminal jurisdictions begin, and where Baronial Law
is imposed.
March 20 1296 his Serene
Highness King Frederic II of Aragon, on the day of his coronation, among many Countships
created on that happy occasion, granted the title of Count of Caltanissetta to Pietro
Lanza, grandson of the Chief Justice of the Kingdom. In 1396, Eleanor of Aragon,
descendant of Lanza, was invested as Countess.
In 1405, Caltanissetta and its vast
territory were owned by the Regio Demanio [Royal Domain].
Soon thereafter, King Martin
granted those territories to Sanchio Roiz of Lihori, Grand Admiral of the Kingdom, who, on
June 25 1407, in exchange for the city and lands of Augusta, gave them to Matteo
Alagona-MoncadaA II, with their jurisdiction to him and his heirs in perpetuity.
Guglielmo Alagona-Moncada was the
first Count of the territories, along with the seigniories of Pietrarossa, Salinas, the
Land of Cammarata, and the fiefs of Pietra dAmico and Motta SantAgata,
Castronovo . . . .
There followed a series of
Moncadas: Matteo, Guglielmo, Antonio, and Giovanni Tommaso; and the Land often passed from
the hands of one to another with quarrels, inheritances, transactions, etc. And these
conflicts are not surprising, because the Moncadas were one of the most powerful Families
of the Kingdom of Sicily.
9 VITO AMICO, Dizionario topografico
della Sicilia, tradotto dal latino ed annotato da Gioacchino Di Marzo, chierico
distinto della Real Cappella Palatina, Palermo, 1856, due volumi, pag. 496.
VILLABIANCA), Della Sicilia Nobile, Palermo, 1759, pag. 81;
BERTOLO, Caltanissetta
nei tempi che furono e nei tempi che sono, Caltanissetta, 1906, pag. 183.
9 V ITO AMICO, Topographic dictionary of Sicily, translated from the Latin and annotated
by Gioacchino Di Marzo, distinguished clerk of the Royal Palatine Chapel, Palermo, 1856,
two volumes, p. 496.
GAETANI-EMANUELE, MARQUIS of VILLABIANCA (now and then simply VILLABIANCA), Of Noble Sicily, Palermo, 1759, p. 81;
BERTOLO, Caltanissetta
in the times that were and in the times that are, Caltanissetta, 1906, p. 183.
[The Italian naming convention, especially for nobles, is to give the father's surname
first, followed by "and (mother's surname)", thus Matteo, whose mother's
surname was Alagona and whose father's was Moncada, would be Matteo Moncada ed Alagona.
In translating, I have used the English convention of giving the mother's surname
first in a hyphenated surname for the child.]
Just think of it, writes Alfredo Li Vecchi, that half the island [of Sicily] was under that
dominion. In western Sicily, one Seigniory was made up of Palermo, Biancavilla,
Adernò, and other minor centers; in eastern Sicily, one domain began with the Earldom of
Collesano and extended with a band of unending land and fiefs all the way to
Family of ancient nobility, honored
by supreme assignments, rich with great states, with seigniories inferior to no one. It
recalled the time of Charlemagne11.
Courageous, valorous in war, on
their family crest they had a black lion with red pickets around it in a field of gold. It
was changed when, in the war against the Moors, during a scarcity of provisions a
Guglielmo Raimondo [the First, of the Moncada House]
brought seven loaves of bread to King Giacomo of Aragon. The Sovereign gave six to his
Barons, and divided one with Moncada. Since then the new coat of arms comprised seven golden loaves, six whole
and sound, and one divided in two, on a field of red12.
In 1470 it is said that the
Earldom of Caltanissetta was invested in Giovanni Tommaso Moncada, who was the son of
Count Guglielmo Raimondo and Giovanna Sanseverino. He was a masterful man, a lover of fine
literature, who took Raimondetta Ventimiglia for his wife. He was President of the Kingdom
in 1475, Chief Justice of Sicily and Grand Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Naples13.
He died on June 1, 1501.
And with Giovanni Tommaso Moncada,
Gentleman of the Parliament of King Giovanni, Governor General of arms in the city of
Agosta, Viceroy, Grand Chamberlain of the Kingdom, Grand Chief Justice, Lord of his noble
House and Count of Caltanissetta, begins the official story of the Land of the Mountain of
the Hawk, in the dominion and jurisdiction of the Earldom of Caltanissetta.
Serra di Falco was a
fief of Tommaso of Moncada, from whom it was transferred, writes Villabianca14.
Barbieri15, putting some order to the
feudal fiefs and their proprietors, writes about
11 ALFREDO LI VECCHI, Caltanisetta feudale, Caltanissetta-Roma, 1975, pag. 7;
genologico delle Famiglie nobili titolate feudatarie ed antiche nobili del fidelissimo
Regno di Sicilia, viventi ed estinte, Bologna, 1978, vol. II, pag. 173.
12 Idem, pag. 182.
13 MUGNOS, Teatro, cit., pag. 179;
BARBERI, Capibrevi, cit., III,
ff. 379, 380, 381;
VILLABIANCA, Della Sicilia, cit., II,
Libro V, f. 93 e vol. IV f. 42.
14 VILLABIANCA, Della Sicilia, cit. II, Libro II,
pag. 134.
Capibrevi, cit. III, p. 379, 380.
11 A LFREDO LI VECCHI, Feudal Caltanissetta, Caltanissetta-Rome,
1975, p. 7;
exposition of the titled feudal noble Families, living and extinct, and ancient nobles of
the Kingdom of Sicily, Bologna, 1978, vol. II, p. 173.
12 Idem, p. 182.
13 MUGNOS, Exposition, cit., p. 179;
BARBERI, Capibrevi, cit., III, ff.
379, 380, 381;
VILLABIANCA, Of Sicily, cit., II, Libro
V, f. 93 e vol. IV f. 42.
14 VILLABIANCA, Of Sicily, cit. II, Libro II,
pag. 134.
Capibrevi, cit. III, p. 379, 380.
delle annotazioni originarie16.
Non abbiamo avuto il tempo di
fare il punto della situazione che il feudo di Serra di Falco è venduto dal Conte
Giovanni Tommaso Moncada, con il patto di recompria (jus luendi) a Nicolò Barresio, per
gli atti di Notar Giovanni Perdicaro, il 7 gennaio XII ind. 1493, per il prezzo di 2500
Mentre gli altri due feudi Tarbuna
e Salina sono venduti con lo stesso jus luendi a Michele La Farina per 500 onze17.
our fief in his annotations of origin16.
We have not yet
had the time to make a point
of the situation in which the fief of Serra di Falco was sold by Count Giovanni
Tommaso Moncada, with an agreement of repurchase (jus luendi [right of
redemption]) to Nicolò Barresio, according to the notice by Giovanni
Perdicaro, Notary, 7 January 1493, index XII, for the price of 2,500 florins.
Meanwhile, the other
two fiefs, Tarbuna and Salina, were sold with same right of redemption to Michele La
Farina for 500 ounces17 [of
Feuda Tarbuna et la Salina, ac Serradifalco
noncupata, in Valle Mazarie posite, pro ut asseritur de membris sunt et pertinencijs
Comitatus Calatanixecte, ex quibus dictum feudum la Serradifalco per quondama Ioannem
Thomasium de Montecatheno, olim ipsius Comitatus Comitem et Adernionis, quondam Nicholao
de Baresio pro certo precio, puplico mediante contractu manu Notarij Ioannis de Perdicaro,
VIIo Ianuarij XIIa Indicionis 1493 celebrato, prima facievenditum
fuit. Qui Nicholaus de Baresio de eodem feudo la Serradifalco ad ipsomet Ioanne Thomasio
de Montecatheno Comite, tune in Regno Preside, XXIIIo Decembris XIIIa
Indicionis 1494 investituram, in Regie Cancellerie dicti anni libro in cartis 695 notatam
17 BARBIERI, Capibrevi, cit. III, pag. 380 e 381.
Feudum vero Tarbuna cum dicta Salina per eundem Comitem
Ioannem Thomasium quondam. Michaeli La Farina pro certo precio, carta gracie reddimendi
mediante, venditum etiam fuit. Que quidem precia summam unciarum quingentarum ceperunt,
convertendarunt nihilominus insatisfacionern precij juris luendi terre Paternionis; quod
jus luendi ab ipso Comite loanne Thomasio emptum extitit, siculi in actis dieti Notarij
Ioannis de Perdicaro continetur.
Postmodum autem idem comes Ioannes Thomasius, jus luendi
ipsorum feudorum Tarbune, Saline et Serradifalco quondam, Anthonino Rizono Regio
Secretario suisque imperpetuurrì heredibus, carta gracie reddimendi mediante, pro precio
unciarum XX, Vice Regia licencia preeunte, puplico mediante contractu manu Notarij
Dominici de Leo VIIo Augusti XVa Indicionis 1497 celebrato,
vendidit. Quem vendicionis contractum, cum illius inserto tenore, Ioannes de La Nuca, tunc
Regni pro Rex, eidem Anthonio Rizono juxta formam investiture dicti Cornitatus
Calatanixecte natura, et forma feudi in aliquo non mutata, servicio militari ed juribus
Curie ac alterius semper salvis; ejus cum Vice Regia provisione data Panhormi XXVIIIIo
Decembris prime Indicionis 1497, et in Regie Cancellerie dicti anni libro in cartis 202
notata, acceptavit et confirmavit.
Cuius vendicionis virtute, idem Anthonius de Rizono de
feudis eisdem possessionem adeptus extitit; nálominus de illis investiiuram, pro ut moris
et, capere non curavit, immo ipsa sola confirmacione Vice Regia se letari tantum voluit.
Mortuo tandem dicto Anthonio Rizono, sibi in dictis feudis
Tarbuna, la Salina et Serradifalco successit Ioannes Georgius de Rizono ejus filius
legitimus et naturalis ac primogenitus, qui de feudis eisdem investituram, in Regie
Cancellerie libro anni in cartis 247 notatam, reportavit.
Deficiente postremo dicto Comite Ioanne Thomasio de
Montecatheno, sibi in codem comitatu Adernionis, Calatanixecte ed alijs successit
Gulielmus Raymundus de Montacatheno ejus filius unicus legitimus et naturalis; qui feuda
antedicta redemit, et illa postmodum Ioanni Aloysio de Septimo legum doctori, carta gracia
reddimendi mediante, pro precio unciarum... previo contractu puplico
Chi fosse questo Nicolò non sappiamo, ma abbiamo moltissime notizie sui De Barresio o
Per quanto riguarda i due
feudi Tarbuna e Salina, occasionalmente legati al nostro Serradifalco in questa pagina di
storia, diciamo che furono venduti ai La Farina, Famiglia portoghese, e abbiamo occasione
di parlarne poiché Michele era figlio di Nicolò La Farina e Domenica Salomone, sorella
di Francesco Salomone, da Sutera, uno dei tredici della Disfida di Barletta.
Il Barresi e La Farina,
dopo quattro anni, sono costretti a lasciare i feudi poiché Antonino Rizono, Regio
Segretario, acquista dal Conte Giovanni Tommaso Moncada il jus luendi, e il 7 agosto 1497
comprai tre feudi facendosi riconoscere dal Vicerè per se e i suoi eredi in perpetuo19.
Who this Nicolò was, we dont know, but we have very many references
to De Barresio or Barresi18.
As far as the two fiefs
Tarbuna and Salina, occasionally attached to our Serradifalco during this page of history,
we report that they were sold to [Michele] La Farina, of a Portuguese family, and we have
had occasion to hear of this, since Michele was a son of Nicolò La Farina and Domenica
Salomone, sister of Francesco Salomone, from Sutera, one of the thirteen knights of the Challenge of
Barresi and La
Farina, after four years, were forced to give up the fiefs, since Royal Secretary Antonino
Rizono aquired the jus luendi from Count Giovanni Tommaso Moncada, and on
August 7, 1497 purchased the three identified fiefs from the Viceroy [Moncada] for
himself and his heirs in perpetuity19.
manu dicti Notarij Dominici de Leo
Panhormite, XXVIIIIo Iulij 1501 celebrato, iterum vendidit.
Cujus vírtute idem Ioannes Aloysius de feudis
predictis a quondam Ioannes de La Nuga, tunc Regni pro Rege, ultimo Augusti 111a
Indicionis 1501 investiturani, in Regie Cancellerie libro anni 1501 in cartis 591 notatam,
nactus fuit.
In presentiarum autern, anno 1513 decurrente, feuda
ipsa Tarbuna et Salina ac Serradifalco per prefaturn loannern Aloysium de Septimo
possidentur, que anno quolibet reddunt...
FRANCESCO SAN MARTINO DE SPUCCHES (d'ora in poi solo DE SPUCCHES), La storia dei feudi e dei titoli nobiliari di Sicilia, dalla
loro origine ai nostri giorni, Palermo, 1924; quadro 1024, pag. 367. ASPA, R. CANCELLERIA, anno
1494, f. 695.
apro della reintegrazione della Città di Caltanissetta al Sacro Regio Demanio del Regno
di Sicilia, umiliate alla Maestà del Re N.S., Napoli, 1756, pag. CLVII:
1493 Il feudo di Trabuna, con la Salina
ed il feudo di Serra di Falco
furono venduti dal
Conte Gian Tommaso di Moneada con il patto di ricompra
per lo prezzo di fiorini 2500, e non essendo tali feudí, che (a ventesima parte
almeno di Caltanissetta, dovea
allora valere tutto lo stato
almeno fiorini 50 000,
anzi dovea assai più valere, conciosiacosacché
i sopradetti feudi erano allora
quasi inutili, siccome quelli, che i più
remoti erano della Città sudetta.
18 MUGNOS, Teatro cit., 1 vol., f. 117;
Sicilia, cit. II, vol. 3, pag. 295.
19 DE SPUCCHES, Storia dei feudi, cit. e BARBIERI, Capibrevi, cit., R.
Cancelleria, ASPA, libro 1499, f. 247.
(now and then simply DE SPUCCHES), The History of the fiefs and
noble titles of Sicily, from their beginnings to our day, Palermo, 1924; chart 1024,
p. 367. ASPA, ROYAL CHANCELLERY vol. 1494, f. 695.
FRANCESCO PECCHIENEDA, Explaining reasons for the
reintegration of the City of Caltanissetta with the Holy Royal Domain of the Kingdom of
Sicily, humble before the Majesty of the King, Our Lord., Naples, 1756, p. 157:
In 1493 the fief of Trabuna, with that of Salina
and the fief of Serra di Falco
were sold by the
Count Gian Tommaso of Moncada with a re-purchase agreement
for the price of 2,500 florins, and those fiefs were less than one-twentieth part of
Caltanissetta, while the whole group was valued at least at 50,000 florins,
but a much higher value could not be given, recognizing that
the aforesaid fiefs were nearly useless, since they were so remote from the City named
Expositions, cit., 1 vol., f. 117;
Sicily cit. II, vol. 3, pag. 295.
DE SPUCCHES, History of the Fedal Lands cit. and BARBIERI, Capibrevi, cit., Royal Chancellery, ASPA, book 1499, p 247.
On the death of Antonino Rizono, he was succeeded by Giovanni Giorgio, his
first-born son, who was invested with the fiefs in 1499.
And the Rizono family, of whom we have no records,
like meteors, vanished from the history of our Land without leaving a single trace.
The fiefs returned instead to the Moncadas, with
Guglielmo Raimondo, who, succeeding his father, took the investiture of Adernò and
Caltanissetta in 150120, and re-purchased the three fiefs from Rizono. His need
for funds, continual and impelling, forced him to sell them to Giovanni Luigi di Settimo21,
doctor of law, always with the same right of re-purchase.
But only the fief of Serra del Falco, detached
from the original group of three, was sold to Antonino La Rocca, a member of the Aragon
and Catalan House of Nobles, descended in Sicily since 130022.
At first, our feudal lords were without holdings, but
they acquired one fief after another, in order to have a noble title.
Meanwhile Guglielmo Raimondo
Moncada, who had sold our fief, was succeeded by Antonio Moncada-Moncada, Francesco
Moncada de Luna (who redeemed the fief of Serra del Falco), Cesare, and then
Francesco and Antonio. This last Antonio Moncada-Aragona, born in 1591, was a Grandee of
Spain and husband of Giovanna Lacerda, daughter of the Duke of Medinaceli. On October 25,
1600 [eight years old???!!!], after having redeemed the fief
of our Land, he invested himself of all the others, on the death of Filippo I and the
succession to the throne of Filippo II23.
Prince Antonio was the last feudal lord of the House
of Moncada to own our districts, even though we might ask how the the fief of Serra del
Falco (with its uniquely singular name) could be represented by Moncada, who was twice
a Grandee of Spain, Prince of Paternò, Duke of Montalto and of Bivona, Count of Adernò,
Count of Caltabellotta, of Sclafani and of Motta Santa Anastasia, Baron of Centorbi, of
Pietrasoprana, Caltavuturo, Malpasso, and of Biancavilla and many other lands, and of
innumerable baronies and fiefs which were lost, sold, and reacquired in a cycle of sale
and re-purchase without end.
20 ASPA,
Royal Chancellery, vol. 1501, V, f. 144.
"At present", writes Giovann Luca Barberi, in Capibrevi cit.,
"in 1513 we find the three fiefs under De Septimo".
"The Noble House of Pisa", writes
Palermo, 1651, f. 125), in f. 125, "in their stay in Sicily owned fiefs and
seigniories. The son of Nicolò, Baron of Guarratana, for his grand doctrine was made
Master Logician of the Royal Property and Regent in the Royal Chancellery of Aragon. He
died December 29, 1522".
There are other records of the Noble House in IGNAZIO GATTUSO, Fitalia, i Settimo
e Campofelice, Palermo, 1975.
The names are in
ASPA, Royal Conservatory, vol. 1542, f. 503 and 1557, f. 79.
23 ASPA, Royal Conservatory, book
Investiture, 1600-1620, f. 39 r.
Pechenada, in
1700, accused these Lords of paupering the Earldom of Caltanasetta with their profiteering
sales of the fiefs. For the period he considers, in fact, Don Antonio Moncada, son of
Guglielmo [the Sixth], between
1525 and 1533 had sold the fief of Gallidauri, and others, to Antonello di Caruso, Baron
of Spaccaforno24.
Don Cesare Pignatelli-Moncada, in 1570, had
ceded other fiefs25 and the same was done by Don Francesco Moncado Luna,
who in 1571 had sold the fiefs of Grotta Rossa and Deliella to Don Luigi Lo Puzzo, but had
re-purchased those of Turretta, Bifara, Chiusa Vecchia, and Marcato DArrrigo.
Don Antonio Moncada-Aragona, Duke of Montalto,
in 1614 sold five fiefs, and in 1617 (after Gallidauro, Deliella, Grasta, Gebbia Rossa and
Graziano) on another occasion turned over a triad of our fiefs, Serra del Falco, Salaco
and Grutta dellacqua, to Don Francesco Graffeo for 19,737 ounces [of gold], and
another three combined lands with a large number of comuni (communal
areas) to the Principality of Fiume Salato, for 90 aratateB.
In short, concludes Pechenada, defender of
Caltanissetta, the denari and florins [cash flows]
were always to the advantage of the Moncadas. It had been just a beautiful deal, to have
changed the city of Caltanissetta into the House of Moncada - "the widespread,
diverse Earldom of Caltanissetta for the lonely Earldom of Agosta!"26. And
Cancila27 concludes that this great prodigality, characteristic of the
Moncadas, of building enormous palaces at Palermo and elsewhere, by
spending on luxuries, fillerfiller
24 Aveva
venduto Marcato della Serra, Antinello, Musto Mu xaro, Mustesini, Marcato d'Arrigo, la
Turretta, Xitilichabili, la Chiusa Vecchia, Murtijantinu, la Bifara, intorno al 1560 la
Grutta dell'acqua, a Giovanni Vito Grimaldi, e a D. Pietro Marchifava il diritto di
ricompra: nel 1520 il feudo di Gruttarussa a Francesco Farfaglia.
25 Nel 1570 i feudi di Grasta e Gebbia Rossa a Ippolito
26 Nota de' Feudi, ed altre Terre del Territorio di Caltanisetta.
24 He had sold the fiefs of Marcato della Serra, Antinello, Musto Muxaro, Mustesini,
Marcato d'Arrigo, the Turretta, Xitilichabili, the Chiusa Vecchia, Murtijantinu, and the
Bifara, and around 1560 the Grutta dell'acqua, to Giovanni Vito Grimaldi, and to Don
Pietro Marchifava the right of re-purchase: in 1520 the fief of Gruttarussa to Francesco
In 1570 the fiefs of Grasta and Gebbia Rossa to Ippolito Lucchesi.
26 A notable Fief,
and other Lands of the Territory of Caltanisetta..
Ogni Aratata di Terre
costa di Salme nove
Ogni Salma di Moggi sedici,
Ogni Moggio di canne 648.
Ogni canna di otto Piedi Romani, o sia palmi |
Every Aratata of Land costs
nine Salme
Every Salma sixteen Moggi,
Every Moggio 648 rods.
Every rod eight Roman Feet of two palms. |
. |
appartenenti all'Ill. Casa Moncada.
Fiefs belonging to the Illustrious House of Moncada. |
Aratati |
Salme |
Aratati |
Salme |
Landri |
12. |
Milicia |
15. |
Sabucina |
16. |
Muntiganini |
14. |
Trabunella |
10. |
Mustumusciaru |
l1. |
Garistuppa |
15. |
5. |
Deri |
36. |
4. |
Xhirbi |
l1. |
1. |
Trabuna |
21. |
Piscazzi soprani |
8. |
Mimiano |
34. |
Sottanì |
21. |
Antimello |
10. |
B [An aratata
(plural aratate or aratati) was a measure of land area equal to approximately 144
modern acres. In dealings between landowners, it was used as a medium of credit or
exchange. A canna (rod, plural canne, was a unit of length equal to
about two meters.]
works of charity, and regal gifts, were the cause of great ruin, and were followed by the
transfer, with re-purchase or not, of quite a few feudal lands.
Our own Duke of Montalto, Don Antonio
Aragona-Moncada, last feudal lord of our Mountain during that age, had six sons and one
daughter. After a grave illness, on May 20, 1626, he renounced his titles in favor of his
son Luigi, and obtaining a Papal brief he made himself a priest, though married, and
entered the Company of Jesus, while his wife dressed in a nun's habit under the name of
Sister Teresa, in the Monastery of the Assumption, which her husband had founded
especially for her in Palermo. Did he never comprehend that, among his vast properties,
there was a fief with a curious name that evoked game, wild animals, and prey? Was he
never with his retinue on this, our land, with the hawk on his gloved right hand and his
vassal falconers ready to seize the catch? It begs the question, but we can give no
Aratati |
Salme |
Aratati |
Salme |
Marcato della Serra |
14. |
1. |
Draffù |
18. |
Gibili Gabibili |
8. |
Galassi |
17. |
Turretts |
9. |
4. |
Giffudraffù |
21. |
Misteci |
10. |
Giffaruni |
18. |
Musta |
7. |
Bifaria |
15. |
Ganzirotta |
5. |
3. |
Marcato Bianco |
10. |
Marcato d'Arrigo |
9. |
5. |
Ramilia |
25. |
Furiana |
12. |
Giulfo |
13. |
Cicuta |
Vecchia |
12. |
5. |
Deliella |
24. |
Nova |
15. |
5. |
Grotta rossa |
60. |
S. Martino |
22. |
della Casa Moncada venduti.
Fiefs of the House of Moncada which were sold |
Aratati |
Salme |
Aratati |
Salme |
Grotta dell'acqua |
21. |
Gebiarussa |
13. |
Serra di falco |
28. |
Gallidauro |
25. |
Salaco |
14. |
Fiorilla |
l0. |
Garziano |
15. |
Corriggi, ed altre Terre aggregate al |
Grasta |
l1. |
. |
Marchesato di S. Cataldo circa |
10. |
Vi sono inoltre nel Territorio di Caltanissetta molte tenute di Terre, che Comuni si
appellano, della quali possedeane l'Università la quinta parte, cioè salme 196.14, ma
per debiti contratti con la Regia Corte fu necessitata venderli nel 1638 a Casa
Moncada, per il prezzo di once 3842., come per gl'atti di Not. Giacinto Cinquernani di
Palermo a' 18. Gennario 1638. 6. Ind. Tali comuni furono dalla Casa Moncada quasi tutti
alienati a diverse persone quali al presente li posseggono.
27 ORAZIO CANCILA, Baroni e popolo nella Sicilia del grano, Palermo,
1983, pag. 136. |
There are
many Land holdings elsewhere in Caltanisetta, which are called Comuni,
of which the Community owned one-fifth part, that is 196.14 salme,
but because of contracts of debt with the Royal Court, it was necessary in 1638 to sell
them to the House of Moncada for the price of 3,842 ounces [of
gold], according to the records of Notary Giacinto Cinquemani of Palermo,
January 18, 1638, Index 6. Those comunes were of the House of Moncada, nearly all of
them turned over to various persons who own them at present.
27 ORAZIO CANCILA, Barons and
commoners in the Sicily of grainfields, Palermo, 1983, p. 136.
The Graffeos acquire the fiefs of Serradifalco -
The House of Graffeo
Francesco Graffeo, 1st Baron of Serradifalco
Giovanni Graffeo, 2nd Baron.

I Graffeo a acquistano i feudi di Serradifalco
Nel capitolo precedente
abbiamo visto che, nonostante la potenza o le cariche e le onorificenze, le condizioni
della Casa Moncada e della Contea di Caltanissetta erano preoccupanti. Sui loro stati
gravava annualmente un numero enorme di creditori per migliaia di onze a causa di arretri,
di soggiogazioni, assegni, vitalizi, ecc.
Alla data del 1639, 97 creditori vantavano 20310
onze, per l'importo annuale di onze 9473 sugli Stati di Paternò, Adernò, Caltanissetta
ed altri. E tra questi, la Famiglia dei Graffeo attendeva dagli inizi del secolo il
soddisfacimento del suo credito28.
Il 18 settembre 1607 il Barone Francesco Graffeo fu Girolamo
aveva prestato 16000 onze al Principe D. Cesare Moncada ed alla moglie D. Maria
d'Aragona. La Regia Gran Corte dopo due anni aveva inviato una «interlocutoria circa la
soluzione di denaro»29 contro gli eredi Paternò (il Principe, la
nella corrispondenza personale con
il 10 giugno 2006. L'ortografia corretta è
come confermato dal grifone sul stemma della famiglia. "Graffeo" è un
errore di ortografia che è stato perpetuato dai periodi medioevali.
28 GIUSEPPE TRICOLI, La Deputazione
degli Stati e la crisi del Baronaggio Siciliano, Palermo, 1966, pag. 69, 71;
feudale, Caltanissetta, 1987, pag. 286. Vedi inoltre la relazione «Fatto sopra la
compra di feghi di Serra di Falco, lo Salacio et Grutta di l'acqua» in ASPP, Volume A, ff. 255,
29 ASPA, Archivio Serradifalco, vol. 3, f. 32.
House of Graffeoa acquires the fiefs of Serradifalco
In the preceding chapter we
have seen that in spite of their power, strength, and positions of honor, the conditions
of the House of Moncada and the Earldom of Caltanissetta were worrisome. Every year, upon
those states, lay the exceedingly heavy burden of an enormity of creditors, for thousands
of ounces [of gold], due to arrears, accounts payable, unpaid
drafts, liens, annuities, etc.
In the year 1639, 97 creditors were due 20,310 ounces
for the annual amount of 9,473 ounces on the states of Paternò, Adernò, Caltanissetta
and others. And among these, the House of Graffeo had waited since the start of the
century for the satisfaction of credit extended then28.
On September 18, 1607, Baron Francesco Graffeo, son
of the late Girolamo, had loaned 16,000 ounces to the Prince Don Cesare Moncada and to his
wife Donna Maria d'Aragona. The Royal Supreme Court after two years had sent an
"interlocutory about the solution of the debt"29
personal correspondence with
on 10 June 2006. The correct spelling is
GRIFEO, as confirmed by the griffin on the family
coat of arms. "Graffeo" is a spelling error that has been
perpetuated from Medieval times.
The Deputation of the States and the crisis of Sicilian Baronies, Palermo, 1966, p.
69, 71;
ANTONINO MARRONE, Bivona, feudal city, Caltanissetta, 1987, p. 286. See also the
treatise "Facts on the purchase of the fiefs of Serra di Falco, Salacio and Grutta di
l'acqua" in ASPP, Volume A,
pp. 255, 259.
29 ASPA, Archives of
Serradifalco, vol. 3, p. 32.
Principessa, D. Cesare e D. Giovanni), senza ottenere alcunché.
Dieci anni dopo fu fatto un altro tentativo, il 6
maggio 161730 D. Francesco Graffeo causò esecutoria contro i Moncada in tutti
i loro beni, singoli, allodiali.
Ancora, il 17 maggio 1617 altro atto di notificazione
per D. Antonio Moncada e Paternò per la somma, che intanto era aumentata a causa di interessi maturati e non pagati sino a onze 17337.4.531.
Ma D. Antonio questa volta decide di pagare, con il
solito espediente di vendere alcuni feudi, con il diritto di rícompra, il 6 giugno 1617.
Questa volta si tratta dei tre feudi di Serra del Falco, lo Salacio e Grutta dell'acqua32,
per onze 19337.4.4
E con questo atto di vendita, finalmente, possiamo leggere
le caratteristiche ed attributi con notizie e confini, che riguardano i tre feudi:
the heirs of Paternò (the Prince, the Princess, Don Cesare and Don Giovanni), without obtaining a
Ten years later another attempt was made, when on May
6, 161730 Don Francesco Graffeo brought action against the Moncadas and all
their assets, singly and jointly.
Further, on May 17, 1617 another action dunned Don
Antonio Paternò-Moncada for an amount which was increased because of accrued and unpaid
interest, up to 17,337.4.531 ounces.
But Don Antonio this time decided to pay, with the
usual expediency of selling some fiefs, with the right of re-purchase, on June 6, 1617.
This time he traded the three fiefs of Serra del Falco, Salacio and
Grutta dellacqua32, for 19,337.4.4 ounces.
And from this bill of sale, finally, we can see the
details and extent of the characteristics and attributes regarding the three fiefs:
30 Idem, ff. 138, 139.
31 Idem, ff. 138, 139, 17 maggio 1617.
32 «Et non habente dicto Duce et Principe Don Antonio modum
et formam solvendi dicto Francisco pecunias per ipsum Ducern et Principem dicto Francisco
pro causis ... » pensò di «
... dare vendere et alienare ut supra infrascriptas baronias et pheuda videlicet:
baroniam et feudum di Serra di Falco per prezzo di onze 8.903.20
baroniam et feudum de lo Salacio per prezzo di onze 4.500
baroniam et feudum de la Grutta di l'acqua per prezzo di onze 6.333.10
de membris et pertinentiis ... »
per il totale di onze 19 737
Il Contratto di vendita dei feudi ... «da D.
Antonio d'Aragona e Moncada a favore di D. Francesco
Graffeo, Marchese di Regiovanni ... » si trova in ASPA, Archivio Serradifalco,
vol. 3o, ff. 150-205;
copia di esso in ASCL, Atto rogato dal Notaro GABRIELE IMPERIALE di Caltanissetta, vol 961
(1615-1617) ff. 285-289.
Testimoni dell'atto furono il 6 giugno 1617, Don Frabrizio Monserrato, D. Geronimo
Jarubruno, Geronimo Salazar, Aurelío Lo Sciglio, Michele Mazzone.
Nel prezzo erano incluse onze 17 337.4.4. ed onze 877.6 per la metà della ragione della
decima e tarii spettante al Duca di Montalto, che Graffeo si obbligò di pagare, ed onze
1522.24 per le quali il Graffeo soggiogò onze 91.11.1 di rendita sopra i suoi beni.
17 337. 4.4
876. 6
1522. 24
totale onze
19.736. 4.4
Fatta la vendita Colantonio La Porta,
Collettore della Decima e Tarì fece relazione al Tribunale del Regio Patrimonio il 18
Luglio 1617 che la decima e tarì importavano onze 2 631.18 e dedotta la 13a parte restava
da pagare onze 1 754.12, cioè onze 877.6 per la parte del Moncada ed altrettante per la
parte toccante a Graffeo.
The sale was conducted by Colantonio La Porta, Collector of Tithes
and Tariffs, made with recognition by the Royal Property Court on July 18, 1617 that the
tithes and tariffs comprised 2,631.18 ounces, deducting a 1/3 part, leaving 1,754.12
ounces, 877.6 for the portion to Moncada and as many for the adjacent portion to Graffeo.

Contratto di vendita di feudi di Serradifalco tra D. Antonio DAragonia e Moncada e
Francesco Graffeo, 6 Giugno 1617.
Prima pagina dellatto, Notaro Gabriele Imperiale di Caltanissetta.
Contract of sale of the fiefs of Serradifalco between Don Antonio Moncada-D'Aragonia and
Francesco Graffeo, on June 6, 1617.
First page of the act, Notary
Gabriele Imperiale of Caltanissetta.
Serra di Falco, terra che
confina con il feudo dello Dragaito e Mandra di Giumento del territorio della Baronia di
Fiume Salato e commune di Anurmarici, della parte verso Caltanissetta, con lo comune dello
Cusatino, e strata pubblica; dall'altra parte con lo feudo di Rabiuni territorio dello
Stato di Mussomeli alla via insino allo vallone dello fego di la Balatazza dello Stato
della Favara; dall'altra parte confina con lo fego di Gallidauro, lo fego dello Salacio e
comune di Falbaccaro; dall'altra parte con lo fego di Grutta russa e comune di Piticaro. Serra di Falco, land which borders the fief of Dragaito
and Mandra di Giumento of the territory in the Barony of River Salato and the commune of
Anurmarici, the part towards Caltanissetta, with the community of Cusatino, and the public
road; from the other section bordering the fief of Rabiuni, territory of the State of
Mussomeli, all the way to the valley in the fief of Balatazza in the State of Favara; from
the other section bordering with the fief of Gallidauro, the fief of the comune Salacio
and of Falbaccaro; and from the other section bordering the fief of Grutta russa and the
comune of Piticaro.
Item feudo et baronia chiamata Grutta dell'acqua, di la parte verso
Caltanissetta confinante con il comune chiamato di lo Salacio e comune di Favarella;
dall'altra parte del mezzogiorno confina con lo fego della Bifaria, e lo comune di
Castellazzo; dalla parte di ponente confina con lo comune della Lapezzila per un pezzo e
con lo fego di Grutta russa; dalla parte di tramontana confina con lo fego dello Giurfo,
con lo comune di Trigona, la strata pubblica chiamata Hadira e lo comune della Xhadira e
lo comune di Caltanissetta la petra.
A fief and barony called Grutta dell'acqua, the
part towards Caltanissetta adjacent with the comune called Salacio and the comune of
Favarella; from the other section a half-day away it borders the fief of Bifaria, and the
comune of Castellazzo; on the west it borders the comune of Lapezzila for a ways, and with
the fief of Grutta russa; on the northern part it borders with the fief of Giurfo, with
the comune of Trigona, the public road called Hadira and the comunes of Xhadira and
Caltanissetta la petra.
Item dictum feudum di Lo Salacio confinante
con il feudo di Grutta russa con la strata in mezzo del comune di Falbaccaro e una punta
confinante con lo fego di Graziano dalla parte verso Caltanissetta; di l'altra parte
confina con lo fego di Gallidauro al Vallone, da un'altra parte confina con lo fego di
Serra di Falco33.
The said fief Salacio adjacent to the fief of Grutta
russa, with the road in the middle of the comune of Falbaccaro, and a point neighboring
the fief of Graziano from the side towards Caltanissetta; the other section borders the
fief of Gallidauro in the valley, and another section borders Serra di Falco33.
33 ASPA, Archivio Serradifalco, vol. 3,
ff. 206-209 «Osservatoria del contratto di vendita di detti tre feghi nominati La
Serra del Falco, lo Salacio e Grutta dell'acqua contratto tra esso Duca di Moltalto con
Francesco Graffeo.
Don Antonino d'Aragona e Moncada, Duca di Montalto e Principe di Paternò
e Francesco Graffeo del fu Geronimo dicino a Vostra Eccellenza che retrovandosi detto di
Graffeo creditore tanto d'esso Duca come del quondam Don Cesare Moncada suo fratello in
molta somma di denaro, per minor danno di detto Duca e suo Stato, concertao e convenne
vendere et alienare col patto de retrovendendo al detto di Graffeo, tre Baronie e feghi
dello stato di Caltanissetta, nominati la Serra del Falco, lo Salacio e la Grutta
dell'acqua, per prezzo in tutto d'once 19 737 con tutte le loro ragioni,
giurisdizioni e pertinenze, universi d'haversi per detto Graffeo la reale et attuale
potestà dal I' di Settembre prossimo da venire come più diffusamente si declara, per il
contratto da celebrarsene nell'atti di Notaro pubblico, supplichiamo perciò V.E. voglia
restar servita di confirmare, approbare et rathificare
ac viceregio murimine corroborare,
et validare il detto contratto di venditione e compra da celebrarsi come sopra e sia anco
V. E. servita farli gratia di relasciare com'è solito la terza parte della decima e
tarì, toccante alla detta Regia Corte, per conto di detta venditione ... »
5 Dicembre -
1 Ind. - 1617 - ASPP, Vol. «A», f. 307.
ASPA, the Serradifalco Archives, vol. 3, pp. 206-209 "Review of
the contract of sale of three fiefs named the Mountain of the
Hawk, the Salacio and the Cave of Water, contracted between the Duke of
Montalto and Francesco Graffeo.
Don Antonino of Aragon and Moncada, Duke of
Montalto and Prince of Paternò, and Francesco Graffeo, son of the late
Geronimo, declare to Your Excellency that because the said Graffeo is a
creditor of this Duke as well as of the late Don Cesare Moncada, his
brother, for a large sum of money, for minor considerations by the said
Duke and his State, plan and come together to sell and to turn over,
with a pact of repurchase, to the said Graffeo, three Baronies and fiefs
of the state of Caltanissetta, named the Mountain of the Hawk, the
Salacio and the Cave of Water, for the price in all of 19,737 ounces [of
gold] with all their laws, jurisdictions and pertinences, all for said
Graffeo to hold from the 1st of next September until further notice, by
the contract to be confirmed by the acts of the public Notary, therefore
we beg Your Excellency if you please, to confirm, approve and to ratify
ac viceregio murimine corroborare, and to
validate the said contract of sale and purchase to be confirmed as
above, and also Your Excellency is petitioned to make them free of
renunciation since it is ordinarily the third part of one tenth and
tari, belonging to the said Royal Court, on
behalf of said sale... "
5 December, Index 1, 1617 - ASPP, Vol. "A", p. 307.
La Famiglia Graffeo
Francesco Graffeo, IoBarone di Serradifalco
I creditori dei Moncada erano così numerosi nello Stato e nella Contea di Caltanissetta
ed in Sicilia che non abbiamo dato alcuna importanza al Graffeo.
Inizialmente, pensavamo, fosse uno dei tanti. Ma,
acquistando la Baronia ed il feudo di Serra del Falco, dà inizio e principio ad un
capitolo particolare della nostra storia, e perciò, prima di continuare, ci sembra
opportuno conoscere la Casa e la Famiglia dei Graffeo, ed avere notizie dettagliate sul
suo rappresentante più notabile: Francesco, il primo Barone della Serra del Falco.
La Famiglia Graffeo-Grifeo prende origine dagli
Imperatori greci. Leone e Niceforo sconfissero i Bulgari intorno alla metà del 900, e
l'Imperatore donò loro castelli, l'isola di Candia e permise che nello scudo su un campo
d'oro fosse messo un Grifo nero passante sopra una lista, e di sotto tre bande azzurre con
una bianca erta a guisa di combattere, e perciò fu cognominata dal grifo: GRIFEO. I due
fratelli scesero quindi in Sicilia, dove si imparentarono con i Normanni.
The Family of Graffeo
Francesco Graffeo, 1st Baron of Serradifalco
The creditors of the
Moncadas were so numerous in the State and in the Earldom of Caltanissetta, and in Sicily,
that we have not yet given any importance to the House of Graffeo.
Initially we believed that it was only one among
many. But, they acquired the Barony and the fiefdom of Serra del Falco, and are the
principals of a particular chapter of our history, and therefore, before continuing, it
seems opportune to understand the House and the Family of Graffeo and to have detailed
reports about their most notaable representatives.
The Graffeo-Grifeo Family had origins from the time
of the Greek Emperors. Leone and Niceforo vanquished the Bulgars in around the
middle of the 900s, and the Emperors gave them castles and the island of Candia, and
allowed a black Griffin in a field of gold on their coat of arms, and under it three blue
bands with white borders, with the griffin in a posture of combat. Therefore the family
was given the surname of the griffin: GRIFEO. The two brothers thereafter had descendants
in Sicily, where they intermarried with the Normans.
33 (continued) In the bill of sale the three fiefs
were yielded with every law and pertinence, jurisdiction and
privilege, and the duty for Graffeo to provide an armed
cavalry unit for military service.
Don Antonio Moncada the Prince of Paternò, Count of Adrano,
Count of Calatissetta, titled Baron of Santa Anastasia and more,
was taxed for 67 armed cavalry units.
That is, in particular cases the feudatory had to participate in
the military service of the island with a number of armed horses
required from him. Some cavalry levies could be dispensed by
paying 10.5 ounces of gold for every armed cavalry unit, a fixed
sum by ancient custom, called
adoamento in the time of the
Aragonese and composizione
today. The cavalry unit involved the service of a knight and two
shield-bearers, or of one shield-bearer and two footsoldiers and
three horses.
(There is diversity of payment in
of the City of Sciacca, Naples, 1926, in that it speaks
about 10.5 ounces; ANTONINO
MANGO, On the
titles of Barons and Lords in Sicily, Palermo, 1904, p. 250,
note 1, says 20 ounces because in Sicily a fief returned 20
ounces of income annually; DIEGO
Feudalism in Sicily, Palermo, 1847, p. 130, says 20 ounces,
On the island existed the |
New Militia of the Realm, |
instituted in
1573 by Don Carlo of Aragon, President of the Realm (first
instituted in 1548, restructured by Don Carlo) that divided
Sicily into 10 Sergenterie or Districts, divided again into 27
cavalry companies, and 31 dismounted companies. Serradifalco
belonged to the Sergenteria of Sciacca; the militiamen had to be
of age from 18 to 50 years, and received daily pay of 4
for every mounted soldier and 2
tt. for those on foot.
Militia maintained by the
King, |
assigned like
ordinary garrisons of the Island in the fortresses and the main
cities, composed for the most part of Spanish soldiers.
Militia of the feudatories,
obligates you to
serve in war for three months per year at your own expense, and
thereafter at the expense of the King in the case of enemy
invasion or rebellion in the realm. |
Count Roger
granted the Land of Partanna, baronial land in the Val
[District] of Mazzara,
which succeeded to excellent personages like Orlando, Goffredo, Maio,
Benedetto and others.
Mugnos writes further that
"we assume those possessors of fine arts, of antiquity,
are the illustrious Graffeo Family, or truly the Grifeo, most ancient
true nobility of the Realm of Sicily..."34,
For the
coat of arms, as we
have already said, we do not have doubts; the Family is armed with a
divided shield: in the top portion is a black griffin on a gold field;
under it three slanting bands of blue on gold. It has for its
motto "Nolo me tangere",
["Touch me not"].
Francesco Graffeo, son of the late Girolamo,
originally of Sciacca, went to Prizzi in 1563, where it seems the father
was sheltered in order to escape the ferocious internecine battles
between the houses of Luna and Perollo that bloodied the city in 1529,
after famous events like "the second incident at Sciacca". The Graffeo
Family were adherents of the Perollos.
Francesco was justice of the State of the
two Petralie, in 1607. In ’17 he married Pelligrina Abagio and in
the same year, as we have seen, acquired the Barony of Serradifalco and
the other two fiefs, beginning therefore to collect a series of titles
and fiefs, for which he had asked of Filippo IV, and obtained, the
title of Marquis. The title, which was quickly dispatched from Madrid35
on 20 May 1625, was: Marquis of Serradifalco.
Expositions, cit., vol. II , p. I. Other news can be read in
cit., Part II, book 1, pp. 78 and 79 (Partanna), p. 93 (Gangi); book II,
p. 56-57 (Ciminna); FRANCISCO
SAVASTA, The famous Cases
of Sciacca, Palermo, 1843, p. 47; AGOSTINO
INVEGES, Nobiliario, Palermo
165 1, p. 193, 79; DE
SPUCCHES, History of the fiefs,
cit., p. 369.
Tituli Marchionatus Serre di Falco in personam Francisci Graffeo.
His Sacred Catholic and Royal Majesty
the King, our Lord Filippo,
by his sacred Royal privilege, in order to honor the house of the
Francisco Graffeo baron of Serradifalco
orders that the barony be elevated to the dignity of marquis
and Francisco Graffeo and his heirs and and successors to
Marquises of Serradifalco, and with such title to enter him in the
Parliament or
Congregations of nobility of this Realm
with every dignity and privilege,
with the right to transfer
But he preferred
to change it, to Marquis of Regiovanni, a fief of the Ventimiglia Family that was usurped by the Geremia Family toward the end of the
He was the first one of the Dynasty to
possess Gangi, a baronial Land, with simple and complete ownership, in the
Val [District] of the Demon, by concessions sent by King Filippo IV on 16 July
The Family also possessed the State of
Ciminna, annexed from Ventimiglia in 1500 to Graffeo, who reduced
it to a Dukedom36.
Don Francesco Graffeo, after the death of
his wife Pellegrina, joined in a second union, marrying Donna Antonia
Giuffrè Lo Campo Afflitto. But he did not have sons
[with her], because of which he
left the Principality of Gangi to his nephew Francesco Graffeo, son of
his brother Giuseppe, on the occasion of his marriage to Donna Caterina
Grimaldi, believed to be of the Barony of Bozzetta, on 19 July37.
in altra terra o
baronia il titolo di marchese.
E ciò si rende noto alla R. Curia, al Tribunale del R. Patrimonio,
Maestri Razionali, Tesoriere e R. Consiglieri.
Dato in Madrid il 20 Maggio 1625, anno V del nostro Regno
Nei Privilegi del Regno di Sicilia, a Palermo esecutoriato
V Luglio VIII ind. 1625, il Cardinale Giovanni Doria
ASPA, Protonotaro del Regno, vol. 535,
ff. 374 377. Nel f. 374 v ai lati è annotato:
«X Maggio X ind. 1627.
poiché l'111. Francesco Graffeo, avendo ricevuto nell'ultimo di Maggio
1625, esecutoriato a Palermo l'8 Agosto VIII ind. 1625, il titolo di
Marchese per se e per i suoi eredi nella Baronia di Serradifalco, con la
possibilità di poterne mutare Terra e Stato, reputò cambiare il titolo
sopra la Baronia di Regio vanni, con atto nel Notaro Comino Terminelli
di Palermo del 26 Giugno IX ind. 1625».
Voglio ricordare che in quel tempo i Sovrani, dovendo sostenere grandi
spese per la guerra, non tro vando altre fonti (giacché tutte erano
disseccate, scrive Giovanni Evangelista Di Blasi) cominciarono a vendere
titoli. Non si videro mai nel Regno tanti Marchesi, tanti Duchi e tanti
Principi, né tanti Cavalieri Grandi di Spagna, quanti se ne videro in
questi anni.
Ricostruzione: DE
Storia dei feudi, cit., f. 369;
Il famoso Caso, f. 47; CANCILA,
Baroni, cit., pag. 161; VILLABIANCA, Della Sicilia, cit.
II, III, f. 416; Rocco PIRRI,
Sicilia Sacra, Palermo, 1641, 1o
vol., f. 752.
ASPA, Ufficio del Protonotaro, libro 1625, f. 193.
35 (continued) to
other lands or baronies the title of marquis.
And he shall be known to the Royal Administration, to the Court of the
Royal Patrimony,
the Masters of Logic, the Treasurer and Royal Councilmen.
Given in Madrid May 20, 1625, year five of our Reign
On Behalf of the Kingdom of Sicily, executed in Palermo
July 5, Index VIII,1625, by Cardinal Giovanni Doria
ASPA, Office of the First Notary of the Realm, vol. 535, pp. 374-377.
On p. 374-v - the margins are annotated: "May 10, Index X, 1627.
since the Illustrious Francesco Graffeo, having received in the last day
of May 1625, executed at Palermo on August 8, Index VIII, 1625, the
title of Marquis for him and his heirs in the Barony of Serradifalco,
with the possibility of being able to change Land and State, power to
change the title to the Barony of Regiovanni, by act of Notary Comino
Terminelli of Palermo on June 26, Index IX, 1625".
I want to note that in that time, the Monarchs, having to support great
expenses for war, not finding other sources (the giacché all were dried
up, writes Giovanni Evangelista Di Blasi) began to sell titles. Never in
the Realm were there seen so many Marquises, Duchies and Principalities,
nor so many Grand Knights of Spain, as were seen in these years.
Reconstruction: DE SPUCCHES,
History of the fiefs, cit., p. 369; SAVASTA,
The famous Case, p. 47; CANCILA,
Barons, cit., p. 161; VILLABIANCA,
Of Sicily, cit. II, III, p. 416; Rocco PIRRI,
Sacred Sicily, Palermo, 1641, 1st vol., p. 752. ASPA, Office of
the First Notary, book 1625, p. 193.
36 Nello Stato di Ciminna si
succedettero Mario Graffeo e di Bologna (Io Possessore di Partan na) e
Io Duca di Ciminna 1634 quindi Domenico, Benedetto, Girolamo, Benedetto.
VILLABIANCA, Della Sicilia, cit., parte 11, libro 11, f. 55, Ciminna.
In the State of Ciminna followed by Mario di
Bologna Graffeo (1st Owner of Partanna) and 1st Duke of Ciminna, 1634,
thereafter Domenico, Benedetto, Girolamo, Benedetto.
VILLABIANCA, Of Sicily, cit., part II, book II, p. 55, Ciminna.
37 Francesco Graffeo prese
l'investitura di Gangi il I' marzo 1636 ASPA, R.C. Investiture vol.
1140. 1o marzo IV ind. 1636, f. 126 D. Francesco investito di Marchese
di Regiovanni con castro e casale. Idem, f. 128, investitura di Gangi.
Francesco procreò Giuseppe Graffeo, ma Gangi andò ai posteri della
sorella Antonia che se ne assicu rò l'investitura nel 1652. A noi non
interessa, ma Villabianca dà il seguente quadro: Da Francesco, Giuseppe,
la sorella Antonia, Giuseppe, Francesco, Saverio, Marianna Valguarnera e
Francesco Graffeo took investiture of Gangi
on March 1, 1636 - ASPA, R.C. Investiture vol. 1140. March 1, index IV,
1636, p. 126 - Don Francesco was invested as Marquis of Regiovanni with
fort and country house. Ditto, p. 128, investiture of Gangi.
Francesco begat Giuseppe Graffeo, but Gangi went to the descendants of
his sister Antonia who secured the investiture in 1652. To us it is of
no interest, but Villabianca gives the following picture: From
Francesco, Giuseppe, the sister Antonia, Giuseppe, Francesco, Saverio,
Marianna Branciforti Valguarnera.
In the Barony of
Serra di Falco and in all his other assets, Don Francesco left as
universal heir his other nephew Don Giovanni Graffeo, son of his brother
Fabrizio and of the late Antonina Graffeo, on the occasion of his
marriage with Donna Antonina di Ventimiglia on August 30, 163438.
Don Giovanni was invested with the Barony of Serra di Falco as the 2nd
Baron on January 5, 1636, only a year after the death of his uncle. Our
"acquistatore" and first Baron of
Serradifalco [Don Francesco]
died without a religion on January 5, 1635, at the age of 72
years. In his will39 Francesco Graffeo, Baron of Serradifalco
and Marquis of Regiovanni, ordered his body to be buried in the church
of Saint Ignazio all’ Olivella in Palermo40, to which he
bequeathed hundreds of ounces [of
gold] for celebration of masses, and other offerings for
Palermitan churches, to be selected by friar Onofrio Pennello.
In our Baron Don Francesco we are obliged
to notice various activities; his personality leaps out in examination
of many documents in the Archives of State of Caltanissetta, ignored by
our historians. Even before the purchase of Serradifalco, he was already
landlord for the State and the County of Caltanissetta from 1615-16,
with authority for collecting excise taxes; and for the sale and
purchase of lands, animals, houses, and grain; with Prince Antonio
Aragona Moncada. He worked with his brothers, Fabrizio (whose son
Giovanni, in 1636, would take investiture of Serradifalco),
38 ASPA, Notaro
MARIANO ZAPPARATA di Palermo, II stanza, vol. 415, f. 858 a f.
882, lo settembre III ind. 1634.
Idem, Testamento, vol. 415, f. 7 aperto il 9 gennaio III ind.
1635. Nota in Conservatoria di Registro, ASPA, vol. 1140, f.
La chiesa dell'Olivella dei PP. dell'Oratorio di S. Filippo Neri.
Nella cappella di Santa Maria degli Angeli, in cornu Epistolae,
vi era la tomba di Francesco Graffeo. Ma fu distrutta durante
un'in cursione aerea nel 1943.
Sulla tomba vi era la seguente iscrizione: |
D. 0. M. |
ANNO 1635
Della Sicilia, cit., parte II, f. 135, al f. 93 Gangi;
Guida istruttiva per Palermo e i suoi dintorni, riprodotta su
quella del cav. D. Gaspare Palermo dal Beneficiale Giro lamo Di
Marzo Ferro, Palermo 1858, pag. 130.
--- L'investitura di Giovanni Graffeo (ASPA, R. Cancelleria,
vol. 1140, d. 121) dice che morì il 6 gennaio. |
38 ASPA,
Notary MARIANO ZAPPARATA of Palermo, Section II, vol. 415, p.
858 to p. 882, lst of September, Index III, 1634.
As above, Testament, vol. 415, p. 7 opened the 9th of January,
Index III, 1635. Note in Conservatory of Registration, ASPA,
vol. 1140, p. 121.
The church of Olivell of the Patrons of the Oratorio of Saint
Filippo Neri. In the Chapel of Saint Mary of the Angels, in the
corner of the Epistles, was the tomb of Francesco Graffeo. But
it was destroyed during an aerial raid in 1943.
Above the tomb there was the following inscription: |
D. 0. M. |
YEAR 1635
Sicily, cit., part II, p. 135, to p. 93 Gangi;
PALERMO, Instructive
Guide for Palermo and its surroundings, copied from the work of
Cavalier Don Gaspare Palermo, by Girolamo Beneficiale of Marzo
Ferro, Palermo, 1858, p. 130.
--- The Investiture of Giovanni Graffeo (ASPA, Royal
Chancellery, vol. 1140, p. 121) says that he
[Francesco] died on the 6th
of January. |
Giuseppe, whose son Francesco would take investiture
of Gangi), and Giovanni, abbot of the abbey of Saint Mary of the
Nativity, at Castelbuono41.
But what is of interest to us particularly is his relationship with our
Land and its fiefs. After the purchase he gave lands for lease42,
while in other years he managed them with his brothers.
As we reported, already in the main fief,
that of Serradifalco, there had accumulated over the years a manor farm,
an aggregate of premises; with stables, warehouses, ditches, a group of
houses with ovens, an olive oil-mill, and a flour mill, already
associated with the governance of the County of Caltanissetta.
And therefore we have found that our Baron
and Lord Don Francesco had named, as his Procurator and Governor, Don
Mario Frangiamore of Mussomeli; and in turn his brother Don Giovanni,
the abbot, had named Don Alfonso Pardi as Procurator
ad lites
[concerning litigation], that is, defender of causes, to make
arrests and imprisonments in the Barony of Serradifalco. And Frangiamore
requested the Baron to conscript muleteers to transport wheat and
barley from the fief to the Officer at Girgenti "with diligence and
And together with the Procurator came the
Master of the arranteria, assigned to
capture animals or slaves, and to deliver them to their respective
masters and brand them (the arranteria was
the destined enclosure for the safekeeping of animals).
Thus began the germ of a new town, in which
the authority of the Baron and the Landlords was already manifest and
Giovanni Graffeo, 20 Barone di Serradifalco
Dei due cugini, Francesco e Giovanni Graffeo, seguiamo il destino del se
condo, non essendo interessati agli eredi del Principato di Gangi.
Giovanni, per gli atti propter nuptias
del 30 agosto 1634, era stato nominato erede universale nei beni e nella
Baronia di Serradifalco, dallo zio43.
Giovanni Graffeo, 2nd Baron of Serradifalco
Of the two cousins, Francesco and Giovanni Graffeo, we follow the
destiny of the second, not being interested in the heirs of the
Principality of Gangi. Giovanni, according to the acts of
propter nuptias
[valid only on condition of his marriage]
of August 30, 1634, had been named universal heir of the
assets and the Barony of Serradifalco, by his uncle43.
La dicitura negli atti è
D. Francesco Graffeo del fu Geronimo Barone di Serra di Falco,
cittadino palermitano, arrendatario dello Stato e Contea di
Diamo alcune indicazioni di notai per chi volesse approfondire la sua
ricerca specificatamente sul Ba rone Graffeo:
ASCL, Notar IMPERIALE, vol. 967, f. 136; vol. 968, f. 31; vol. 957; vol.
964, ff. 29, 101, 31, 142; vol. 965, ff. 119, 42, 68, 124, 44, 161, 200,
22; vol. 966, f. 173; vol. 967, ff. 251, 99, 136, 249; vol. 968, f. I.
vol. 967, ff. 112 e 225, 21 ottobre V 1621 e 6 dicembre V 1621.
vol. 415, f. 858, al 10 settembre III ind. 1634; idem, f. 882 il 9
gennaio III ind. 1635, morto lo zio viene aperto il testamento.
The speaker in the records is
Don Francesco Graffeo, son of the late Geronimo, Baron of Serra di Falco,
Citizen of Palermo, arrendatario of the State and County of
We give some indications of notaries for those who wish specifically to
expand their research on Baron Graffeo :
ASCL, Notary IMPERIALE, vol. 967, p. 136; vol. 968, p. 31; vol. 957;
vol. 964, pp. 29, 101, 31, 142; vol. 965, pp. 119, 42, 68, 124, 44, 161,
200, 22; vol. 966, p. 173; vol. 967, pp. 251, 99, 136, 249; vol. 968, p.
ASCL, Notary IMPERIALE, vol. 967, pp. 112
and 225, 21 October, Index V, 1621 and 6 December, Index V, 1621.
ASPA, Notary ZAPARATA, vol. 415, p. 858, on
the 1st of September, Index III, 1634; idem, p. 882 the 9th of January,
Index III, 1635, on the death of his uncle the will was opened.
On 5 January
1636, exactly one year from his uncle‘s death, he took official
investiture of the Barony and the Fief of Serra
[del Falco], the Barony and
the Fief of Salacio, the Barony and the Fief of Grotta dell'acqua,
pertinency of the County of Caltanissetta, for himself and his heirs44.
The years pass without vicissitudes
or events in the simple history of our Land. But time slides by, and
there seems to approach a new dawn, which lifts the gloom and the
shadows of anonymity, and lets us feel the pulsation of the organized
life of men and their deeds, happy or sad.
Baron Francesco Graffeo and Prince
Antonio Moncada had already died. In our Barony the bondholders and
ancient creditors of Moncada intend to be paid for old debts. They mean
to make a deal with his successor, his son Luigi, who, not unlike his
father, swims in a sea of debt, even if he is cloaked with the
prestigious title of President of the Realm45.
Giovanni Graffeo, who contrary to his
uncle, remains only the Baron of Serradifalco, and does not possess
other noble titles, intends to close a definitive purchase with Moncada,
for the lands of Serradifalco, in order to avoid one day finding himself
without title and without land. He lets it be known that he is disposed
to acquire "the right of repurchase" (the
jus luendi), for redeeming the
Some time later comes the stipulated bill of sale of
the right
of repurchase, on 10 September 163747.
44 ASPA, Conservatory of Registers, vol.
1140: Investitures pp. 121 and 122.
It was generated by Lieutenant Ferdinand Afan de Ribera, Duke of Alcalà,
who succeeded to President of the Realm from 1637 to 1647, nine years in
which he rendered the roads of the island secure, and enriched Palermo
with civic works. Under his government the head tax was instituted. The
Sicilians were grouped in two classes: those who had unearned income and
those that earned wages. The former had to pay the amount their assets
yielded in a day; the latter a day’s earnings. In 1647 he was named the
Viceroy of Sardinia, then he embraced the ecclesiastical life.
Information from GIOVANNI EVANGELISTA DI BLASI, Chronological History
of the Viceroys, Lieutenants and Presidents of the Realm of Sicily,
vol. 30, Palermo, 1974, p. 104.
At this time, around 1635, Don Luigi Moncada promotes the construction
in Caltanissetta, in the quarter of Saint Venera, of the Moncada Palace,
interrupted in 1638, on the hill of the noble square (architect Brother
Peter from Genoa). Today, after a period of degradation, this palace is
about to be restored, being the most important architectural monument of
the city.
Arch. DANIELA VULLO, Palace Moncada Bauffremont, yesterday, today,
tomorrow, Caltanissetta 1986.
ASPA, Archive of Serradifalco, vol. 3, pp. 206 209.
«Provided the price of the right of repurchase (jus
luendi) of the Barony of Serradifalco could be resolved», 5
November 1637.
In it mention was made that the Most Excellent Don Luigi Moncada «had
need of certain sums for the purpose of discharging various affected
bondholders and creditors around the State of Caltanissetta. In order to
avoid the distractions which the creditors had begun, action was taken
to sell to Don Giovanni Graffeo... the right to repurchase the Barony,
which he had reserved in the contract of sale of 6 June 1617».
ASPA, Notary GIACINTO CINQUEMANI of Palermo, Contract of sale in ASPP,
vol. 32, to p. I. «Purchase of the Barony of Serradifalco and its fiefs
of Lo Salacio and Grotta d’acqua, the commune of Falbaccaro, and the
[compound] and surroundings of its capital».
Between the two feudatories comes an agreement. The Land
will be sold at 18 ounces per aratata. Nearly a month later
comes the authorization of the Viceroy, on 14 October, near
the manor farm of the comune of Xaddira, in the house of
Scipione Licari, lord of that land, Don Giuseppe Di Forti,
Secretary48 of the Most Illustrious and Most
Excellent Don Luigi Moncada Aragon-La Cerba, Prince of
Paternò, Duke of Montalto, Count of Caltanissetta, "the
present President and General Captain in the Realm of Sicily
for S. C. M." and Don Giovanni Graffeo, Baron of
Serradifalco, in the presence of the Notary Arcangelo la
Mammana of Caltanissetta, choose three experienced experts
to measure the land49.
On behalf of Moncada are selected
Giuseppe Guarnisi of Monreale and the reverend Father
Gabriel di Raimondo, of the Regular Teatini Clerics of Saint
Giuseppe of Palermo; on behalf of Don Francesco Graffeo,
Simone Savio of Nicosia.
By 19 October 1637, the experts declare «to have measured,
seen and reviewed the three fiefs, evaluated them and found
the following measurements:»
(according to the measure of Caltanissetta) |
the fief of Serradifalco |
31 |
aratate |
1 |
salma |
- |
tumuli |
the fief Lo Salacio |
17 |
" |
2 |
" |
4 |
" |
the fief Grotta
dell'acqua |
23 |
" |
which in total equal |
71 |
aratate |
3 |
salme |
4 |
tumuli50 |
48 ASPA, Archives of Serradifalco, vol.
3, pp. 210 r through v.
«Sale of the right of the Barony of Serradifalco and its fiefs from
Don Alojsio Aragona-Moncada to Giovanni Graffeo».
Duke Don Domenico Antonio Pietrasanta-Lo Faso asked for a transcript
of this act on 26 December 1817.
ASPA, Archives of Serradifalco, 3rd vol. p. 266.
49 ASPA, Archives of Serradifalco,
3, pp. 225 228.
Act of approval and selection of experts for the assessment of the
three fiefs of Serradifalco, done for the Most Excellent Prince of Paternò and Don Giovanni Graffeo.
8 January VI 1637.
The record of the experts has been reconstructed as well in ASCL,
Notary Arcangelo MAMMANA.
50 Every aratata corresponded to 9
71 x 9 = 639 salme + 3 = 642 gross
salme. The corda of Caltanissetta
consisted of 22 canne per
ASCL, Notaro DI FRANCO, vol. 676, p. 41, in 1652.
The experts had also measured public tracts (6
salme and 8 tumuli of land) which,
calculated at 18 ounces to every aratata,
and by reason of 4.17 ounces per hundred, results in the entire price of
the entire Barony of 28,127.29 ounces. Of which, deducting the 19,737
ounces credited to Graffeo in compensation of the contract of sale of
1617, there remained 8,390.29 ounces, to which was added the 400 ounces
extra promised by Graffeo, which therefore left a debt of 8,790 ounces
and 29 tari for the entire fulfillment of
the price of the Barony.
The three fiefs were sold
with jus luendi, with the title of Baron,
civil and criminal jurisdiction, and all the other rights and
pertinencies, as had been done with the act of the Imperial Notary
public of 6 June 1617.
On 8 January 1638 the
assessment of the experts was ratified, and Giovanni Graffeo deposited
the sum of 8,000 ounces to the Duke of Montalto, and for him, to several
of his affected creditors, as can be noted from various entries by the
Notary Cinquemani, and from which creditors the new Baron obtained
cessions of rights and bonds.
The Land was finally free
from creditors of every kind.
Unfortunately, in spite
of the sale of the land of Serradifalco, the state of debt of Moncada
was not resolved. The King came to an agreement with him that his States
would be placed in privileged deputation, separate from the Deputation
of States51.
The prodigal and garish
nobility thoughtlessly consumed the rich patrimony with various
festivities, costumes, and annuities.
In 1639 the Graffeo
family, due to other small debts, still had credit on its assets and
States, by the Prince of Paternò52.
"Ma mentre Cartagine piange, Roma non ride."
But while Carthage
cries, Rome does not laugh.
This situation of
uneasiness, which was becoming difficult for many Barons, does not spare
our Graffeo family, which does not succeed in extracting its credit from
other feudatories.
The activity in the Land
of Serradifalco demanded the involvement of the Baron to arrange a
series of initiatives in order to organize the growing
And in order "per fare rispettare le leggi
ingabella a Filippo d'Amico, un malandrino palermitano originario di
Mussomeli, la baglia della Baronia" to impose respect for laws and
[duties?] on Filippo d'Amico, a
rogue from Palermo, originally from Mussomeli, the
[winery?] of the Barony.
La Deputazione degli Stati era stata costituita nel 1600
con lo scopo di amministrare i patri moni indebitati, liberarli da pesi,
obbligando i proprietari a forti risparmi.
Al Moncada vennero annualmente concesse 4000 onze per alimenti, e 2000
per spese processuali; nel 1644 la somma complessiva venne elevata a
8000 onze. Ma era stato venduto un altro feudo, di Castellammare, il cui
ricavato di onze 5000 era servito per pagare parte di altri debiti.
TRICOLI, La Deputazione,
cit., pag. 86, 278; MARRONE,
Bivona, cit., pag. 287.
La Deputazione, cit., pag. 278 284.
51 The Deputation of States
was established in 1600 with the charge of administering indebted
patrimonies, freeing them from debt and obligating the owners, by force,
to save them.
To the Moncadas went annual grants of 4,000 ounces for
supplies, and 2,000 for legal expenses; in 1644 the total sum was
elevated to 8,000 ounces. But another fief, of Castellammare, had been
sold, and the profit of 5,000 ounces was taken in order to pay part of
their other debts.
TRICOLI, The Deputation,
cit., pp. 86, 278; MARRONE,
Bivona, cit., p. 287.
The Deputation, cit., p. 278 284.
Already incidents have erupted over civil and criminal jurisdiction,
with the Officials of the Land of Caltanissetta, who have had
disagreements with the Customsmaster of Serradifalco, the miller of the
mill at Grotta dell‘acqua, and townspeople and debtors, over their
boundary walls. And Graffeo writes to Moncada of Paternò, reminding him
that the land had been sold with mero e misto
[jurisdiction over life and death] and that their
magistrates could not impose themselves on its affairs53.
Now, insists the Baron,
once and for all, order must be imposed. Therefore, he pleads that the
Prince of Paternò will send letters to all the civil functionaries of
Caltanissetta and his other States "not to impose themselves in matters
of the jurisdiction of said Barony
and its fiefs, nor to upset, nor to disturb, our quiet and peaceful
property". (We point out that by 1638 the Customshouse of Serradifalco
was already operating, and the mill of Grotta dell’acqua was
This memorandum is
answered by Donna Maria, Princess of Paternò, pacifying Graffeo, and
sending letters to the Superior Court of Montalto on 5 October 163854.
53 ASPP, vol. 38, f. 1 e volume A f.
401; f. 371.
«Mernoriale avanzato da D. Giovanni Graffeo possessore dello Stato di
Serradifalco per cui volea mantenuto il mero e misto imperio venduto
assieme a detto stato».
54 ASPP, vol. 38, f. 5, Lettere della
Corte Superiore ad istanza di D. Giovanni Graffeo, del 5 ottobre VII
Avvennero altri contrasti ancora, ma due anni dopo Giuseppe La Voglia,
gabelloto dello Stato di Ser radifalco, biasimava gli «impratichi
ministri di Caltanissetta», ignari della formazione di una nuova baronia
detta di Serradifalco, vicina alla Contea di Caltanissetta, indipendente,
che possiede la sua giurisdizione, che ha le sue leggi sotto i Graffeo.
1 Una volta la Terra era gravata al tempo dei Moncada di innumerevoli
soggiogazioni, e continua La Voglia, «con queste notizie che si
conoscono in tutto il Regno, è difficile trovare borgesi inquilini ed
altre persone necessarie per il seminerio, con grande danno per
Serradifalco e per Sua Cattolica Maestà e per il beneficio pubblico
specie in questi tempi sterili e calamitosi».
Chiese perciò ancora Lettere di salvaguardia in ampia forma per avere
necessarie cautele. La Regia Gran Corte concesse le Lettere richieste,
«Non habbiate né dobbiate molestare
durante lo tempo della gabella
né permettere siano
pacto aliquo molestati inquietati né
perturbati in beni né in persone esso esponente, soi inquilini
herbaggeri, terraggeri, gabelloti, subgabelloti, conductori, detentori,
pos sessori, et altri di dette baronie presenti et futuri».
Non lo potevano disturbare Regia Gran Corte, né Città ed Università del
Regno, né il Mastro Secreto o il Maestro Portulano, i Monti di Pietà,
vedove, vergini, pupilli, orfani, persone miserabili, lochi pii, ed
altri qualsivoglia persona... Insomma, era in una botte di ferro!
Le Lettere erano anche dirette al Presidente dei Tribunale della SS.
Inquisizione di Girgenti ed alla Curia Spirituale di Serradifalco.
ASPP, Volume A, f. 387, «Lettere di salvaguardia per lo Stato di
Serradifalco, a favore di Giuseppe La Voglia», del 26 novembre 1640.
Altre nello stesso volume al f. 379, del 3 dicembre 1640.
53 ASPP, vol. 38, p. 1 and volume A p.
401; p. 371.
«Memorandum advanced by Don Giovanni Graffeo, owner of the State of
Serradifalco, for which he wishes maintained the
mero e misto imperio, sold together with the said state.».
54 ASPP, vol. 38, p. 5, Letter of the
Superior Court in the instance of Don Giovanni Graffeo, of 5 October VII
Other conflicts still happened, but two years later Giuseppe La Voglia,
overseer and tax receiver of the State of Serradifalco. blamed the
"inexperienced ministers of Caltanissetta", who were unaware of of the
formation of a new barony, the said Serradifalco, neighbor of the County
of Caltanissetta, independent, which possesses its own jurisdiction, and
which has its own law under the Graffeo family.
1 Once the Land was burdened at the time of the Moncadas by innumerable
bonds, and La Voglia continues, "with these facts that are known in all
the Realm, it is difficult to find renters for the village and other
persons necessary for sowing crops, with great damage to
Serradifalco and to His Catholic Majesty and the public
good, especially in these sterile and calamitous times".
He therefore asked for still more Letters of safeguard in broad terms to
express the necessary cautions. The Royal Supreme Court granted the
Letters demanded, ordering:
"You must not harass during the time of the excise tax, nor allow,
pacto aliquo, to be harassed , worried nor
disturbed in their holdings neither in person or through their
representatives, whether they are renters of fields or land, overseers,
sub-overseers, transporters, jailers, owners, or others of said present
and future baronies".
Neither the Royal Supreme Court, nor the City and University of the
Realm, nor the Customsmaster or Harbormaster, nor the devout Bastions of
the Church could disturb Serradifalco’s widows, virgins, pupils,
orphans, wretches, local holy men, or any other person ... In short, it
was as secure as an iron cask! The Letters also were directed to the
President of the Court of the Most Holy Inquisition of Girgenti and to
the Spiritual Curia of Serradifalco.
ASPP, Volume A, p. 387, "Letters of safeguard for the State of
Serradifalco, in favor of Giuseppe La Voglia", of 26 November 1640.
Others in the same volume at p. 379, of 3 December 1640.
warning, or nearly so, Don Giovanni Graffeo, made an act of donation on
11 November 1640 of the Barony of Serradifalco to his son the minor
Francesco, approximately five years old, born from his union with
Antonina Sarzana-Ventimiglia, and to his heirs and successors55:
"the Barony called Serradifalco, the Barony called Lo Salacio and the
Barony named Grotta dell’acqua, with lands of Falbaccaro, with their
borders, laws and pertinencies, civil and criminal jurisdiction, power
of the sword, indebted for a unit of armed cavalry for royal military
service, and also with the right of jus luendi,
the right of repurchase, and already operating in the acquired land".
Reserved was the right and the
ability to revocate the entire donation before dying, "if he should want
to or like to".
Therefore he creates an administator
and governess of Francesco, his son and heir, with broad and free
powers; not his wife Donna Antonina, but the mother of his wife, his
mother-in-law and grandmother of little Francesco, Donna Maria
Sarzana-Ventimiglia, widow of Federico Ventìmiglia, with wide freedom to
act in the government and the administration of the Barony, excise
taxes, rights, returns, proceeds and emoluments, declaring her free to
name one or more proxies until Francesco reaches the age of 18 years
"and not otherwise".
He declares all this under oath, in
front of the four figures of the Evangelists and by the hand of the
Notary public. He declares to have already advanced to the Royal Court,
long ago, the demand for the ability to found and to inhabit a new Land
in the above-named fiefs, and that such ability transfers and transmits
to his son, for him and his heirs to infinity; meaning therefore to
support a new request that will put forward the name of his firstborn
son Francesco Ventimiglia-Graffeo and have the appeal from his
grandmother, his procurator and administrator, turned over to the Court
of the Royal Patrimony.
Donatio pro D. Francisco Graffeo
cum D. Joanne Graffeo.
«...consideraus et attendens ad maxirnum. amorem, maximarn benevolentiam
quem et quam semper gessit erga Don Franciscum Graffeum et Ventimiglia
de proximo natum eius filium legitimurn et naturalem natum suscptum et
procreatum ex eo et D. Antonina Graffeo et Ventimiglia eius uxor, volens
illum et illam in partem
demonstrare sponte ac motu propriu ex eius certa scientia maturo et
deliberato animo...
dedit et donavit
ac dat et donat, et hujusmodi donationis et dationis titulo et causa
habere licere concessit et concedit dicto Don Francisco Graffeo et
Ventimiglia pheuda et baroniam ... ».
ASPP, vol. A, f. 381, all'11 novembre IX 1640.
In this way, Baron Giovanni wants to separate the destiny of his son
from his own, already seriously caught between debts and credits, and
between the coils of a situation vitiated by the economy and his
The hope lives that that
the young man can save the Noble House and the Family, with the rise of
a new town, and with the prospect of a better destiny, not far off.
The next day, 12
November, Donna Maria Sarzana-Ventimiglia, the new governor and
administrator of his grandson Francesco,
ingabella [indentures?] and surrenders the
State of Serradifalco to Giuseppe La Voglia, represented by Giulio
Cesino his proxy, with manor farms, crops, animals and everything else,
including excise taxes, jurisdiction, creation of officials and
factories ... from the 1st of December 1640, for three years assured and
three years on option, for 1,000 ounces annually, 500 ounces to be paid
in September and 500 ounces in January of every year56.
56 Lo stesso volume
senza numero, che abbiamo indicato con «A», della ASPP, ai fogli 415 e
417 riporta partite di Tavola che dimostrano regolari pagamenti di onze
500 ciascuno fatti da Giulio Cesino per norme e parte di Giuseppe la
Voglia per la gabella di Terra e Baronia di Serradifalco.
56 The same unnumbered volume, which we have
indicated with «A», from ASPP, at pages 415 and 417 shows portions of a
Table that demonstrates regular payments of 500 ounces each, made by
Giulio Cesino by order and in behalf of Giuseppe la Voglia for the
excise tax on the Land and Barony of Serradifalco.
6 DICEMBRE 1640.
La licenza di popolare la Terra del Falco
Il nome della nuova Università
Attività - Usi Civici di Serradifalco
6 DECEMBER 1640.
The permit to populate the Land of the Falcon
The name of the new Community
Activities - Uses of Serradifalco

La Licenza di popolare la Terra del Falco
- 1640 -
The Permit to populate the Land of the Falcon
- 1640 -
«Bisognava con ogni mezzo ridare il senso gioioso della vita dei campi,
dissodare nuove terre e spingere I feudatari a coltivare I loro feudi,
se volevasi evitare lo spauracchio della fame che income sui centri piú
cospicui di populazione, dai quali, specie dalle coste, emigravano a
torme I contadini verso l’interno».
Cosi inizia Garufi in un suo saggio su una terra feudale siciliana57.
Siamo ai primi anni del 1600 e per la Corte Spagnuola e Filippo IV
correvano ristrettezze economiche gravissime.
Il vasto impero poteva considerare
perduti il Portugallo, la Catalogna, le Azzore; la guerra in Fiandra
contro la Francia si prolungava ed aumentava il bisogno di armati e di
Nel 1629 il Re ordinò al Vicerè di
Sicilia di vendere tutto, «qualunque genero de hazienda del Real
Patrimonio», città ed feudi, pur di raccogliere denaro, insieme a
gebelle, terre, titoli di nobiltà, giurisdizione civile e criminale.
Solo cosi si poteva soppierire ai
bisogni «e saziare l’ingorda lupa della Corte di Spagna».
appreciating the joyful sense of life in the fields, new lands required
plowing and the feudatories must be encouraged to cultivate their fiefs,
if they were to avoid the scarecrow of hunger that threatened the larger
population centers, from which, especially from the coasts, the peasants
emigrated in hordes towards the interior.”
Garufi begins in that
way, in his treatise on a particular Sicilian feudal land57.
We are in the early 1600s, and for the
Spanish Court and Filippo IV, serious economic constraints exist.
The vast empire could consider
Portugal, Catalonia, and the Azores lost; the war in Flanders against
France prolonged itself and increased the need for arms and money.
In 1629 the King orders the Viceroy
of Sicily to sell everything, “whatever sort of holding of the Royal
Patrimony”, cities and fiefs, and to collect money together with excise
taxes, lands, titles of nobility, and jurisdictions, civil and criminal.
Only in this way could he support his
needs “and sate the greedy wolf that was the Court of Spain”
Roccapalumba, dal feudo all’abolizione della
feudalità, Palermo, 1922, pag. 29.
Roccapalumba, from feudal fief through the
abolition of feudalism, Palermo, 1922, p. 29.
At that time “pirates infested the coasts of the mezzogiorno
[southern Italy and
Sicily]”, Garufi writes further, “and famines followed one
another with fearsome frequency. Filippo IV, after having transferred
the private goods of the crown, and bartered fiefs and titles, in 1638
requested another two million from his donors and in the next year
introduced two new taxes: those on printed paper and on contracts of
exchange, etc.
Poverty became ever more
threatening, but especially, as you can imagine, a time of the most
abject political decadence, financial and economic, and of a major
depression”. Sicily, the conquered land, was prostrated by epidemics and
overloaded with taxes.
In October 1636 the
Viceroy, the Duke of Montalto and Prince of Paternò, wishing to revive
agriculture, “restricted by laws which tended to centralize the estates
in the hands of the Barons, issued instructions about planting crops
aimed at giving aid to the villagers”.
In 1639 the new Viceroy,
the Count of Assumar, renewed the circular and pressed the feudatories
to cultivate grain in their vast domains, and to give aid to “the
townspeople” dedicated to planting crops. An agrarian policy made out of
The Barons, owners of diverse fiefs, thought to increase their income by
making their lands productive, but this could arise only with the
presence and the participation of many colonists.
To do this it was
necessary to assemble as many people as possible, offer them certain
things, terms, gratuities, giving them the opportunity to lease with low
rent lands and vineyards or or rural fields, offering plots to build
homes or even putting at their disposal houses already built.
For our Land of
Serradifalco, it was enough to develop the street plan, to which no
thought had ever been previously given, to ask the Treasury permission
to establish, or to give official recognition, to the Land that was
abandoned until then.
And also for the
Viceroys, who asked for gifts to the realm, and imposed them at every
moment, it was easy to tax the Permits for incorporation. With time, the
tax receivers found the opportunity to open this new font of resources
for their stressed finances, always increasing the compensation required
for granting Permits.
We know that 100 ounces were paid for the Permit for Altamira, 120 for
Borgetto and Montedoro, and that 400 of gold were paid for Alimena and
Palma di Montechiaro.
At that time, a new era began
for Sicily, with possibly the most intensive demographic movement
encountered in the modern history of the island.
In the first years of the
age, it even can be said that no time passed that did not see the birth
of a new Università (that is, town,
borough, or village). More than 80 were established during the
seventeenth century, and to every new Land that rose came new colonists,
impoverishing old centers and cities of the domain or ancient Baronial
Lands, which had been thought to last forever.
The List of Permits to
Populate agreed to by the Feudatories of Sicily during the Seventeenth
Century, compiled by Giuseppe Cosentino58,
comprise 67 Permits of which that of the 1st of April 1602 was given to
Vincenzo Spucches for the Land of Clarastella, later called Molinazzo,
and on 18 December 1699 to Gaspare La Grutta for the establishment of
Roccella, later Campofelice.
His notes and
observations seem to me to be the most complete of the lot. Our greatest
interest is in the group of Towns near Serradifalco, in the province of
Caltanissetta itself:
Feudatario |
data della |
Nome del |
Nome della |
Licenza |
feudo |
nuova Terra |
Giulio Grimaldi |
28 gennaio 1604 |
Risiaia e Monaco |
S. Caterina |
Nicolò Galletti |
18 luglio 1607 |
Caliruni |
S. Cataldo |
Pietro Marino |
3 settembre 1633 |
Vallelunga |
Vallelunga |
Diego Aragona |
29 marzo 1635 |
Balatazza |
Montedoro |
Francesco Spatafora |
30 gennaio 1635 |
Cacciuni e Michenesi |
Acquaviva |
Maria Ventimiglia
madre di
Graffeo (Errato!
nonna) |
6 dicembre 1640 |
Serra del Falco |
Serradifalco |
Pietro Altariva |
agosto 1647 |
Riesi e Cipolla |
Riesi, poi Altariva,
poi Riesi |
Giacinto Papè |
aprile 1671 |
Vallelunga titolo di
Duca con l'obbligo
di popolare |
Pratameno |
Feudatory |
date of the |
Name of the |
Name of the |
Permit |
fief |
new Land |
Giulio Grimaldi |
28 January 1604 |
Risiaia and Monaco |
Santa Caterina |
Nicolò Galletti |
18 July 1607 |
Caliruni |
San Cataldo |
Pietro Marino |
3 September 1633 |
Vallelunga |
Vallelunga |
Diego Aragona |
29 March 1635 |
Balatazza |
Montedoro |
Francesco Spatafora |
30 January 1635 |
Cacciuni and
Michenesi |
Acquaviva |
Maria Ventimiglia
mother of
Graffeo (Error!
grandmother) |
6 December 1640 |
Serra del Falco |
Serradifalco |
Pietro Altariva |
13 August 1647 |
Riesi and Cipolla |
Riesi, later
then Riesi |
Giacinto Papè |
29 April 1671 |
Title of Duke of
with the obligation
to populate |
Pratameno |
La Cartha memoria di Riesi o una falsificazione
del secolo XIX, Palermo, 1907, pag. 67.
The Historical Record of Riesi, or a
counterfeit of the Eighteenth Century, Palermo, 1907, p. 67.
The Permit to populate
To obtain the right to
populate, it was customary to address the King or the Viceroy for the
privilege (which later was called the Permit),
jus populandi
[the right to populate], to
populate owned lands which were abandoned and uncultivated, and to erect
a castle and a tower together at the new
The Graffeos had a
few possibilities among which to choose.
to ask for the Permit directly from the Sovereign, who gave the
applicant the Permit, to present to the Viceroy for execution.
to ask for the Permit from the Viceroy, who would grant a Viceregal
Letter, pending royal approval. It was required to address the
Sovereign, who would decide after requesting information from the
authorities of the island59.
Then the Permit was
presented to the Viceroy or to the President of the Realm to be
executed. A long and complicated procedure. It was a time in which the
habit was to make the request of the Viceroy, who directly issued the
feudatories in the land had chosen this custom.
Baroness Maria
Sarzana-Ventimiglia60, the procurator
and tutor of Francesco Ventimiglia-Graffeo, wrote to the Viceroy. She
made it known that Don Francesco was her grandchild, Baron of
Serradifalco, Salacio and Grotta d'acqua and other territories, those
bequests from his father, Don Giovanni Graffeo, in virtue of the acts of
Notary Musanti of 11 November 1640; that she had already made a request
for the original Permit to populate to the Royal Court, which was being
delayed; that the princely fief of Serradifalco was distant from
habitation, and because of this solitude was infested with brigands;
that the land was rich with waters, fecund with grain, and unfortunately
remained uncultivated because of the absence of serfs.
Erano le famose
Lettere locis convicinis a Secrezie e
Giurati dei luoghi vicini che, temendo la migrazione dei loro vassalli
per le nuove terre, e quindi la diminuzione delle proprie risorse, avan
zavano quasi sempre difficoltà e frapponevano ostacoli. Anche se queste
difficoltà si superavano... col denaro.
Il personaggio di Donna Maria Ventimiglia e
Sarzana, vedova del fu D. Federico di Ventimi glia, è difficile
collocarlo nella storia complessa dei Ventimiglia. La Famiglia era
nobilissima ed anti chissima, traeva origine da Clodoveo, re di Francia,
nell'anno 480, si era diramata in tutta Europa. Il ramo siciliano
prendeva origine da un Normanno discendente da Ruggero Guiscardo, ricco
di do mini e terre e signorie nelle Madonie.
I Ventimiglia, Conti di Geraci e Conti di Collesano, Baroni di Grat
teri e Principi di Belmonte, Palermo 1980; Idem, Profflo storico
dei Ventimiglia, Signori delle Mado nie, Principi di Belmonte,
Palermo, 1973; MUGNOS,
Teatro, cit., vol. III, f. 513; SAVASTA,
Il famoso Caso, cit.
There were the famous
Lettere locis convicinis to Treasurers and Judges of the
neighboring localities, who, fearing the migration of their serfs to new
lands, and therefore the lessening of their own resources, nearly always
advanced difficulty and scattered obstacles. But even these
difficulties were overcome ... with money.
The person of Donna Maria
Sarzana-Ventimiglia, widow of the late Don Federico di Ventimiglia, is
difficult to place in the complex history of the Ventimiglia. The family
was most noble and most ancient, its origins were from Clodoveo
[Clovis, Louis], king of France, in
the year 480, and it had branches throughout Europe. The Sicilian branch
originated from a Norman descendent of Ruggero Guiscardo, rich of
dominions, lands and lordships in Madonie.
The Ventimiglia, Counts of Geraci and Counts of Collesano, Barons of
Gratteri and Princes of Belmonte, Palermo 1980; Idem, Historical
Profile of the Ventimiglia, Lords of Madonie, Princes of Belmonte,
Palermo, 1973; MUGNOS,
The Theatre, cit., vol. III, p. 513; SAVASTA,
The Famous Case, cit.
A new population would have to be subservient to the Royal Court for
drafts (extraction of cereals) and to the convenience of the public.
That year the Viceroy was Don Francesco de Mello di Braganza, Count of
Assumar, who had left in Sicily in August 1640 Monsignor Pietro Corsetto,
Bishop of Cefalù, as Governor of the Realm61.
With due insistence on the Royal Court and the Tribunal of the Royal
Patrimony, in less than a month, the Office of the Chief Notary of the
Realm decreed to grant a Licence to populate "jus
populandi", granting it to Don Francesco Graffeo, Baron of
Serradifalco, represented by his administrator and governess, his
grandmother Donna Maria Sarzana-Ventimiglia, on 6 December of 1640.
For the “good of the realm” the Governor conceded the power to the
Baroness, and to the heirs and successors of young Francesco, to
construct, erect, and gather residents for a new population center in
one of the fiefs of her choice of the Barony, considering the altitude
of the site and the quality of the wind, the convenience of forests,
water and other necessities for building a new habitation.
He gave her the power to erect a tower, fort - fortified castle - and
equipping it with walls, turrets and other necessities of fortification.
In the new Land, the Baron acquired every right to impose levies,
duties, bail, rent, zàgato and any other
fees, as the other Barons of the Realm did with their vassals.
The Permit thus issued, as can be seen, was all-encompassing, with no
defect, and lacked nothing.
He empowered her also to name the Castlekeeper, the Jailer, the Captain
of the Guard, the Judge and the other officials necessary, liked by and
available to the Baron, with every honor and duty, “usual and
customary”, held by the other Jurors, Judges, and Officials of the other
Lands of the Realm. And finally, the right to elect, create, and ordain,
and also to remove or re-appoint them as many times as seemed necessary
by the Baron.
61 Corsetto, born in 1577, was famous in
Sicily in the legal Sciences, and by his merit he had been Pretorian
Judge, Master of Logic, and President of the Consistory. In 1636 his
wife had died and he had embraced ecclesiastics. In 1638 King Filippo
had named him Bishop of Cefalù. He exercised the office of Governor in
1640, for one year, with zeal and prudence. Monsignor Corsetto died in
Viceroys, cit., vol. III, p. 119; GIUSEPPE
Sicilian Bibliography, Palermo, 1875, p. 263; Diary of Things
occuring in the City of Palermo and in the Kingdom of Sicily from 19
August to 16 December 1652, compiled by doctor Don
of Palermo, Historical Bibliography and Letters of Sicily, Bologna, '73,
vol. III.
The Baroness had more license; to contract laws of the land, ordinances,
statutes or other, with the new vassals.
A copy of the
Permit was sent to the Chief Justice, to the President of the Royal
Court, to the Judges of the Royal Supreme Court, to the Masters of
Logic, to the Treasurer and the Conservator of the Royal Patrimony, to
the Fiscal Procurator and the other Officials of the Realm in order to
have them adopt it, to execute and to observe under penalty of 1000
ducats to be paid to the Royal Treasury.
Don Pietro Giovanni
Guercio, Treasurer of the Royal Supreme Court, declared that in the name
of and for Donna Maria Ventimiglia he had received the sum of 400 (four
hundred) ounces in coin of the Realm “for the permit received from the
Tribunal of the Royal Patrimony permitting habitation of one of the
fiefs of the Barony of Serradifalco situated and located in this Kingdom
and in the Valley of Mazzara and in execution of the provision made on
the 23rd of this last November in response to the memorandum of Donna
Maria for the above solvendis uncias quatricenti
habeat licentiam”62.
An ordinary
Permit, without particular favors or privileges, rights, or
responsibility to populate the fief at a given time or in a given place.
The Littere
locis convicinis are missing.
Not even a
slight mention was made of mero e misto imperio
[power over life and death],
since the fiefs were de membris of the State and appurtenances of the
County of Caltanissetta, and on 6 June 1617 they had been sold by
Antonio Moncada to Francesco Graffeo “with jurisdiction civil and
criminal, high and low, mero e misto imperio,
with every power of the sword, privilege and otherwise, to the said
fiefs appertaining to ... ”.
Il nome della nuova Università
Il nome
comunemente veniva scelto dallo stesso feudatario ed indica to nella
Licenza di popolare. Nel nostro caso non si fece alcun cenno spe cifico.
resto c'era libertà. Molti Baroni sceglievano nomi di Santi (S. Ca
terina, S. Ninfa, S. Cataldo); altri adottavano il cognome della
rispettiva Famiglia (Lercara, da Francesco Lercaro, Lucca da Francesco
Lucchese, Ventimiglia da Beatrice Ventimiglia, Altariva da Pietro
The name of the new Community
The name commonly
was chosen by the feudatory himself and indicated in the Permit to
populate. In our case, no specific hint was given.
For the rest,
there had been leeway. Many Barons chose the names of Saints (Santa Caterina, Santa Ninfa, San Cataldo); others adopted the surnames of the
respective Family: (Lercara, by Francesco Lercaro, Lucca by Francesco
Lucchese, Ventimiglia by Beatrice Ventimiglia, Altariva by Pietro
62 ASPP, volume “A”, p. 393, 5 December
More than a few Lands kept the same names as the fiefs in which they
were founded: Comitini, Baucina, and Calamonici. Our Land therefore
could have called itself Salacia or Grotta dell'Acqua, or Graffea. It
called itself Serradifalco after the fief of the same name, in which it
Iniziava per il feudatario un periodo di grande ed intensa attività. Se
voleva che la nuova Università fosse popolata e avesse fortuna c'e ra
proprio da rimboccarsi le maniche e lavorare. Nessuno pensi che da quel
giorno 6 dicembre, sotto Natale, due giorni prima della festa dell'Im
macolata arrivassero mastri e muratori, camions e ruspe a sbancare col
linette, aprire fondamenta ed innalzare edifici. In genere, l'abbiamo
già detto, esisteva una masseria con il Palazzo del Barone, con i suoi
magazzi ni, le fosse, alcune case per i soprastanti, altri catoi e
dammusi per i con tadini, che venivano a lavorarvi e vi trascorrevano
settimane, mesi o anni, lontani dalle famiglie e della vie di
There began for the feudatory a period of great and intense activity. If
they wished that the new Community would be populated and would have
luck, they had to just roll up their sleeves and work. No one thought
that on that day 6 December, before Christmas, two days before the feast
of the Immaculate Virgin there would arrive master builders and masons,
trucks and excavators to shape the hills, open foundations and raise
edifices. As we have already said, there was a manor farm with the
Palace of the Baron, with his warehouses, the moats, some houses for the
superintendents, and other shacks and stone houses for the peasant
farmers, who came to work and passed weeks, months or years far from
their families and from any means of communication.
It was necessary to estimate the situation well and spontaneously, for
the amenity of the place, the abundance of water, the fertility of the
land and many other reasons, to create it years and decades before
meeting its potential.
Those attempting to establish a new Land, or the reasonable cultivation
of a fief, did not always succeed. Often the lack of communications, the
low fertility of soils, the insufficient facilities granted by the
feudatories and the lack of water were reasons to decide to abandon the
lands soon after inception. And the talk - rumors fly - circulated
between colonists and vassals, in the markets and at the fairs.
Soon after the act of approval, which Giovanni Graffeo had given to his
to minor son Francesco, Donna Maria passed the action on, indenturing
and obliging the Barony of Serradifalco to Giuseppe La Voglia, who had
singular influence and prestige in the region, to impose law and
discourage the usual rogues and raiders of the countryside, or bandits
and gang members of the comune63.
63 Anche tra le carte spesso
è facile notare lo stato d'animo dei nostri personaggi. All'8 novem bre
1640 era già stato stipulato un atto in cui D. Giovanni Graffeo, barone,
stipulava con D. Ignazio la gabella dello stato con Giulio Cesino.
Questo atto fu cancellato. Il Barone Giovanni pensò che proprio da
quell'atto di arrendamento potevano inziare le nuove attività a nome del
figlio e della suocera, il nuovo gruppo dirigente. Fu cancellato, e
ripetuto in seguito da Donna Maria Ventimiglia e Sarzana, a nome del
nuovo Proprietario e Barone il giovane D. Francesco Graffeo.
ASPA, Atti Notaro MUSANTI,
vol. 14528, f. 57.
63 Also, from the papers, it is easy to see
the state of mind of our personages. On 8 November 1640 there had
already been stipulated an act in which Don Giovanni Graffeo, baron,
arranged with Don Ignazio the indenture of the state to Giulio Cesino.
This act was cancelled. Baron Giovanni thought that directly fom that
act of rendering they could start the new activities in the name of the
son and mother-in-law, the new management group. It was cancelled, and
repeated in turn by Donna Maria Sarzana-Ventimiglia, in the name of the
new Proprietor and Barone, the youth Don Francesco Graffeo.
ASPA, Notary Acts MUSANTI,
vol. 14528, p 57.
La Baronessa ed il Procuratore vennero quindi nel
feudo a prendervi dimora, e seguire da vicino la costituzione della
nuova Università. Già borgesi e contadini venivano in cerca di lavoro
per periodi più o meno lunghi, bisognava ora creare condizioni ideali
affinché molti vi fissassero stabile dimora, sino a suscitare una
colonia fiorente di attività. La voce si sparse nei paesi vicini e
jurnatari, misalori e annalori, provenienti da comuni di versi,
cominciarono a prendere chiuse di terre, che avevano beverature, e
ricche sorgenti di acqua. I Graffeo non concessero particolari agevola
zioni. Nessun documento, per esempio, parla di terre comuni (fondi
aperti nei quali la popolazione poteva cacciare, far legna, ecc.). Gli
abitanti, è evidente, non godettero mai di usi civici cioè di diritti di
condurre a pa scolare, legnare, estrarre gesso, calce, pietra,
raccogliere olive, erbe, fra sche, lumache, funghi e così via,
gratuitamente, senza obbligo di versare canoni né ai Graffeo né ai Lo
The Baroness-Procurator then came to the fief to take residence, and soon thereafter
to develop the new Community nearby. Already, townspeople and peasant
farmers had come in search of work for periods more or less lengthy, and
now it was necessary to create ideal conditions so that many would build
permanent dwellings, until they had developed a community flourishing
with activities. The word was spread in nearby towns, and in journals,
missals, and annals of various towns, and people began to enclose land
that had drinking water and was rich with flowing streams. The Graffeos
did not grant some specific activities. No document, for example, speaks
of terre comuni (open areas in which
the population could hunt, cut wood, etc.). The inhabitants, it is
evident, never enjoyed the right to graze animals, cut wood, extract
chalk, lime, or stone; to pick olives, herbs, berries, mushrooms and
such things free of charge, neither from Graffeo nor from Lo Faso,
without being obliged by various rules.
ebbero obbligo di corrispondere angarie (prestazioni e servizi
gra tuiti di lavoro ed opere), dovute in ragione di alcune giornate per
anno, in cambio di protezione accordata dal Barone ai suoi vassalli,
senza diritto a mercedi; né pèrangarie (gli stessi servizi
forzati con mercede). Né di pagare ogni anno decime di prodotti o
bestiame, come a Mezzojuso e Lercara, o prestare una giornata di lavoro
al mese per i bisogni del Barone; o corrispondere ogni anno frumento e
vari tarì, galline, o carichi di paglia e di legna, come a Campofranco e
Casteltermini; o costruire stanze e letti per il feudatario come a
Lercara, e portare acqua al servizio del Padrone e saldare la tassa
della fascia per la nascita dei suoi figli64. «Ad oneri maggiori
rispondono, scrive Garufi, diritti maggiori, ad oneri minori rispondono
diritti minori».
But neither were the
people obliged to give angarie (free
labor), reasonably due for some number of days per year, in exchange for
protection accorded by the Baron to his vassals, without entitling him
to goods; nor pèrangarie (the same
services, but including goods). Nor to pay every year one tenth of
produce or livestock, as in Mezzojuso and Lercara, or spending a day of
work per month for the needs of the Baron; or to pay every year with
wheat and various taxes, poultry, or loads of straw and wood, as in
Campofranco and Casteltermini; or building rooms and beds for the
feudatory as in Lercara, and carrying water in the service of the
Padrone and paying taxes for swaddling
clothes at the birth of his children64.
“Greater privileges correspond to great duties” writes Garufi, “to
lesser duties, lesser rights.”
Nel 1501 a Mezzojuso i vassalli pagavano
un tarì per casa, la decima sui prodotti e gli anima li, un canone sulla
terra, l'opera gratuita per riparare i mulini, una giornata di lavoro
per ogni masi nata, il dono di una gallina o porcellino o agnello per
ogni famiglia per festa di San Giovanni...
A Campofranco e Casteltermini (1573 e 1625) 3 tarì per casa, per
corredino o fascia del figlio del Barone, un carico di legna e uno di
paglia, ogni anno fornire 2 galline, 2 capponi, 2 pollastre, 2 gallet ti
e 2 piccioni...
Nei Capitoli di San Michele di Ganzaria decima per i cereali, 1 tarì e
una gallina all'anno, preferenza nella vendita della roba del Barone...
Altri balzelli in Aidone, Cefalù...
Vedi per tutti: GIUSEPPE
Il Principato di Campofranco nel feudo Fontana di li Rosi, Agri
gento, 1973.
64 In 1501 in
Mezzojuso the vassals paid one tarì coin
per house, one tenth of their produce and livestock, a rent on the land,
free labor for repairing the mill, a day of work for every month, and a
gift of one hen or lamb for every family for the feast of Saint John…
In Campofranco and Casteltermini (1573 and 1625) 3
tarì per house, for supplies or swaddling clothes for the son of
the Baron, a load of wood and one of straw, every year providing 2 hens,
2 capons, 2 chicks, 2 grouse and 2 pigeons...
In the Capital of San Michele di Ganzaria one tenth of the grains, 1
tarì and one hen per year, and preference
to the Baron in the price of goods...
Other unjust taxes in Aidone and Cefalù...
For a full account see: GIUSEPPE
TESTA, The Principality
of Campofranco in the fief Fountain of the Roses, Agrigento, 1973.
«Queste le massime fondamentali
economiche che regolavano i rapporti fra feudatari e comunisti (abitanti
del comune), secondo l'antica e sempre nuova legge economica
dell'offerta e della ri chiesta»65.
“These were the fundamental economic principles that regulated the
relationship between the feudatories and the
comunisti (inhabitants of the town); secondly the ancient but
always new economic law of supply and demand”65.
Serradifalco, come Roccapalumba (per fare un esempio con l'opera del
Garufi) fu meno oppresso di «gravezze feudali». I suoi vassalli non
possedettero particolari diritti e privilegi (usi civici, terre
promiscue, ecc.) di cui altrove borgesi e contadini godevano... in
cambio di oneri maggiori. Così come furono disponibili a pagare un tarì
per ogni famiglia per ogni suolo di casa66.
Serradifalco, like
Roccapalumba (to make an example from the work of Garufi) was less
oppressed by the “burdens of the feudal system”. Its vassals did not
have certain rights and privileges (civic uses, common tracts, etc.)
which some other villagers and peasant farmers enjoyed... but in
exchange for greater burdens. Therefore they were able to pay one
tarì for every family, for every house lot66.
Siamo in piena epoca feudale, ma Donna Maria Ventimiglia e Graffeo non
costrinse con la forza a popolare i suoi feudi. Non abbiamo noti zie dì
sorprusi o forza baronale. Pensò invece di tenere in economia i feudi e
gabellarli, per migliorare la coltura; provvedere i lavoratori con una
mag giore prestazione di servizi, dai soccorsi in natura per la terra
agli animali da lavoro; concedere fondi rustici in enfiteusi a prezzi
non onerosi; co struire case per i nuovi vassalli e darle loro in
affitto; costruire la chiesa (dedicata a San Francesco di Paola) e
chiamarvi fl cappellano, il curato che battezzassero i loro bambini nati
nella nuova Terra, o benedicessero i matrimoni tra i primi venuti o
seppellissero i loro morti...
We are fully in the
feudal epoch, but Donna Maria Ventimiglia and Graffeo did not populate
their fief by force. We have no record of beatings or baronial force.
They believed instead in holding their fiefs through economics and by
enriching them, by improving cultivation; providing the workers with
greater services, by helping to provide forage-land for the beasts of
burden; granting verdant rural fields at prices that were not
burdensome; constructing houses for the new vassals and letting them for
rent; building the church (dedicated to San Francesco of Paola) and
summoning a chaplain, a caretaker who baptized their children born in
the new Land, or blessed the marriages between the newly arrived, or
buried their dead...
A molti piacquero questi modi semplici e cordiali,
accettarono la mo destia dei censi, e certamente trovarono quelle
agevolazioni e comodità che non avevano trovato altrove.
certamente, anche le privative del Barone e i suoi diritti feudali, che
erano una regola e non l'eccezione, di molire nei suoi mulini, di
comprare nelle sue botteghe, di cuocere il pane nei suoi forni, od acqui
stare la carne nelle sue boccerie e macelli.
acconsentirono alla sua giurisdizione civile e criminale, che per gli
onesti era una garanzia di vita semplice e non turbata da malandrini e
av venturieri.
«E così,
scrive la Fallico67, si avviò il
paziente lavoro collettivo cui prendevano parte gli umili e potenti, le
persone colte e gli illiterati i quali tutti tendenti alla stessa mèta,
realizzavano insieme ilprogrammapre disposto».
To many these
simple and cordial ways were pleasing, and they accepted the modest
restrictions, and certainly realized some facilities and comforts they
had not found elsewhere.
also accepted, certainly, the prerogatives of the Baron and his feudal
rights, which were the rule and not the exception, to grind flour in
their mills, to purchase from their shops, to cook bread in their ovens,
and to obtain meat at their butchers and slaughterhouses.
And they consented to his civil and criminal jurisdiction, which for the
honest was a guarantee of a simple life undisturbed by rogues and
“And in this way,” writes la Fallico67,
“went the patient collective labor accepted on the part of the humble
and the powerful, persons of culture and illiterates, who all marched to
the same beat, together realizing the pre-ordained plan”.
GARUFI, Roccapalumba, cit., pag.
66 M. R.: Memoria per Signor Duca di
Serradifalco contro il Sindaco della Comune di Serradi falco ed il
Procuratore del Represso il Tribunale Civile di Caltanissetta come parte
principale, Paler mo, 1854.
Introduzione in Le Aquile Rosse dei Campo di Giuseppe
TE STA, Caltanissetta, 1990.
Roccapalumba, cit., p. 75.
66 Royal
Memoranda: Memorandum for the
Lord Duke of Serradifalco versus the Mayor of the Comune of Serradifalco
and the Procurator of the King, before the Civil Tribunal of
Caltanissetta, principal session, Paler mo, 1854.
Introduction to The Red Eagles of the House of Campo by Giuseppe
TESTA, Caltanissetta, 1990.
Era un'impresa entusiasmante, per quanto
finanziariamente rischio sa, che tendeva a creare le premesse per la
crescita della nuova Terra, lo sviluppo delle attività agricole e
commerciali, il progresso economico di tutto il territorio. Pagina
bellissima che dovrebbe anche rivalutare la tan to vilipesa feudalità,
solitamente considerata un elemento negativo della storia siciliana «ma
che in realtà, tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna, colonizzò l'isola».
It was an enthusiastic
enterprise, however risky financially, which leant itself to create the
premise for the growth of a new Land, the development of agricultural
and commercial activities, and the economic progress of the whole
territory. A beautiful page of history which calls for the re-evaluation
of vile feudalism, usually considered a negative element of Sicilian
history “but which in truth, between Medieval times and the modern age,
colonized the island”.
E Donna Maria con il nipote D. Francesco Graffeo,
come Vincenzo Maria Termini (Casteltermini), Lionello Lercaro (Lercara
Friddi), Ottavio Lanza (Trabia), Carlo Carafa (Grammichele), Placido
Fardella (Paceco), Pietro Altariva (Riesi), Diego Aragona (Montedoro),
Giovanni Campo (Campofranco), Giacinto Papè (Vallelunga), e molti altri,
in quell'epoca, portarono il loro contributo pietra su pietra, come dice
il Sorge, al grande edificio della storia della Sicilia. «Fu una
delle imprese più grandiose, scrive Trasselli68,
che la storia della Sicilia possa vantare».
And Donna Maria
with her grandson Don Francesco Graffeo, like Vincenzo Maria Termini (Casteltermini),
Lionello Lercaro (Lercara Friddi), Ottavio Lanza (Trabia), Carlo Carafa
(Grammichele), Placido Fardella (Paceco), Pietro Altariva (Riesi), Diego
Aragona (Montedoro), Giovanni Campo (Campofranco), Giacinto Papè (Vallelunga),
and many others, in that epoch, brought their contribution stone by
stone, as Sorge says, to the great edifice that is the history of
Sicily. “It was one of the most prodigious enterprises,” writes
Trasselli68, that “the history of
Sicily can boast of.”
Colonizzazione del latifondo... quante volte tale espressione è com
parsa nella stampa scientifica o quotidiana o impegnata, da quando si
parla di Questione Meridionale!
Ebbene, un Barone come la Graffeo, senza aiuto
della Cassa del Mez zogiorno e senza leggi sullo scorporo del latifondo,
seppe realizzare la co lonizzazione di Serradífalco.
E nella nuova Terra paraspulari e vurdunari, gente
umile ma attiva, curatoli e picurari, ed agricoltori, ed artigiani,
barbieri, ciabattini, fale gnami e muratori, presero in affitto le case
e aprirono le loro botteghe nel corso principale, e nella piazza tra la
chiesa e il Palazzo del Barone, per 1 una nuova vita, una nuova era per
i loro discendenti a venire.
colonization of the latifondo... How many
times that expression has appeared in scientific papers, or the daily
press or in debate, when the Southern Issue is spoken of!
Well, a Baron
like Graffeo, without the help of the Bank of the Mezzogiorno and
without laws on the subdivision of the latifondo,
knew how to achieve the colonization of Serradifalco..
And in the
new Land, weavers and muleteers, humble people but productive ones,
doctors and shepherds, and farmers, and artisans, barbers, cobblers,
carpenters and masons, rented the houses and opened their shops on the
main street and in the piazza between the church and the Palace of the
Baron, for a new life and a new era for their descendants yet to come.
Usi civici di Serradifalco
Abbiamo già visto che il nostro feudatario non accordò mai ai suoi
vassalli, sin dal 1640, alcun diritto di acquare o portare gli animali
al pa scolo nelle «terre comuni», o prendere pietre, calce, né prima né
dopo la Licenza di popolare. Non successe con i Graffeo né con i Lo
Civic uses of Serradifalco
We have
already seen that our feudatory never accorded his vassals, since 1640,
any right to water or to bring their livestock to pasture in “common
lands”, or to extract rock or chalk, neither before nor after the Permit
to populate. It didn’t happen with the Graffeos, nor with the Lo Fasos.
TESTA, Il Principato, cit.
Introduzione di Carmelo
The Principality, cit. Introduction by Carmelo

E particolarmente Francesco Graffeo, quando ricevette il Privilegio di
popolare i suoi feudi, non assunse alcuna obbligazione in favore dei
nuovi abitanti del borgo.
Allorché il
16 dicembre 1812 il Parlamento Siciliano dichiarò abolita la feudalità,
la classe dei contadini e degli operai molto lentamente comin ciò a
prendere coscienza della sua forza. Nasceva un nuovo equilibrio tra due
istituzioni: i gabelloti e i vassalli, forza predominante, contro i
Ogni comune,
si può dire, iniziò la sua causa per gli Usi civici contro il suo Barone;
e tutti furono messi sotto accusa.
particularly Francesco Graffeo [Grifeo], when he received the Permit to populate
his fiefs, did not assume any obligation in favor of the new inhabitants
of the town..
And so, when
on December 16 1812 the Sicilian Parliament declared the abolition of
feudalism, the classes of peasant farmers and laborers very slowly began
to consciously realize their strength. A new equilibrium emerged between
two institutions: the overseers and the serfs, a predominant force,
against the feudatories.
Every village, it may be said, began its own suit for Civic Uses against
its Baron, and all the Barons were put under accusation.
Con il secolo XIX non cambia nulla o quasi. Al
1804 vi e ancora il Beneficiale Insalaco, procuratore della chiesa, che
in eta matura, e accusato dal Vescovo di non avere introitato le offerte
dei fedeli, con «apoca» o ricevuta, e la situazione finanziaria e un po'
confusa 289.
Ma intorno al 1827 con il nuovo Cappellano,
sac. D. Raimondo Coniglio, l'amministrazione cambia in meglio. E prima
dell'entrata della chiesa nella nuova diocesi di Caltanissetta ci
restano alcuni documenti per tracciare un quadro molto preciso.
Dall'ultima Visita
Pastorale (1827) la chiesa, l'altare maggiore, e gli altri, i
confessionali, le statue dei santi, tutto e bene ordinato. Mai avevamo
letto sei fogli pieni di «suppellettili, argento ed altri utensili
esistenti nella chiesa» e presentati dal nuovo Cappellano Coniglio a
Mons. d'Agostino 290.
Tra l'altro mettiamo
una nota storica ad «un piccolo manto color violaceo con frinza di
argento per Maria SS. del Carmine».
Sotto il Beneficiale
Coniglio l'importo della congrua passo da onze 18 a 24, mentre si erano
aggiunti altri censi e giogali di fedeli, ed elemosine.
Il Beneficiale
spesso non prendeva la congrua, donandola alla chiesa.
Le spese correnti
erano per consumo di cera, novena del S. Natale, le Quarantore del
Divinissimo, acconci nella costruzione, per «disparo di rnortaretti
nell'anniversario dei morti e nei primi dodici lunedi», onze 9.30.
Nello «Stato
delle chiese del comune di Serradifalco al 1829», che abbiamo spesso
citato, la Chiesa de/ Purgatorio ha la seguente scheda: - E di
proprieta del Signor Duca di Serradifalco. Abbisogna di essere
biancheggiata a stucco per una spesa di 180 ducati.
Confraternita del Purgatorio
Una «Confraternita»
fu subito eretta accanto alla chiesa, la si riscon-
ACAG, SVP, Reg. 1804, f. 743, alla data del 6 dicembre 1804.
Primariamente una sfera grande di argento con sopra fili indorati, piti
una croce e crocifisso d'argento con sua asta, piu un sicchiello con sua
sponsa d'argento.
un incensiero, un calice, una pisside, un perpetuo, una chiave d'argento;
un calice di rame con gotto d'argento indorato e sua patena indorata,
drappi fiorati e ricamati in oro, lampieri di rarne,
camici, cottc, cappelle, con frinze d'argento e guarnite di gallone
d'argento, 5 altari adorni di suoi candelieri, in rame e crocifissi, un
baldacchino di seta,
il Sepolcro della Settirnana Santa tutto indorato, e foderato di dentro
con raso a color di latte ...
ACAG, SVP, Reg. 1827, ff. 1$8-161, Inventario
della Chiesa delle Anime Sante del Purgatorio.
But around 1827 with the new chaplain, Priest Don Raimondo Coniglio, the
administration changes for the better. And before the entry of the
church in the new diocese of Caltanissetta there are some documents
which draw a very accurate picture.
For the Pastoral Visit (1827) the church,
the altar, and the other items; the confessionals, statues of saints,
were all in good order. We never have read six such pages full of
“furniture, silver and other items existing in the church” and
presented by the new Chaplain Coniglio to Msgr. D'Agostino 290.
Among other things we show a historical
note for "a purple cape with silver fringe for Maria SS. del Carmine".
Under the Benefactor Coniglio the value of
the stipend increased from 18 to 24 ounces, while there were added other
gifts of the faithful, and alms.
The Benefactor often did not take the
stipend, giving it to the church.
Current expenditures were for consumption
of wax, novena of San Natale, the Forty Days of the most Divine,
flourishes in the construction, for “display of fireworks on the
anniversary of the dead and on the twelve first Mondays”, 30.9 ounces.
In the
report “State of the churches of the town of Serradifalco
through 1829,”
which we have often cited, the Church of Purgatory has the following
annotation: - It is owned by the Lord Duke of Serradifalco. Its
stucco is in need of whitewashing at a cost of 180 ducats.
Brotherhood of Purgatory
A "Brotherhood" was immediately erected
next to the church, we find
ACAG, SVP, Reg. 1804, p.
743, dated 6 December 1804.
290 Firstly, a large sphere of silver overlaid
with gilded wire, a silver cross and crucifix with its stand, plus a
silver --?
a censer, a chalice, a ciborium, a perpetual, a silver key;
a cup of copper gilt and its gilded stand, flowered drapes embroidered
in gold, copper lamp-stands,
gowns, cooked goods, chapels, with silver fringes trimmed with silver
stripes, five altars adorned with
chandeliers, copper crucifixes, a silk canopy,
the tomb of the Holy Week all gilded, and lined with m ilk-colored satin
ACAG, SVP, Reg. 1827 pp. 158-161, Inventory of the Church of the Holy
Souls in Purgatory.
Dopo dieci giorni, il 21,
veniva pubblicato il Regolamento, con il quale erano date indicazioni
precise circa l'estensione, la forma, la custodia dei camposanti e il
modo di sotterrare i cadaveri. A queste disposizioni non si diede alcuna
importanza. I morti venivano sepolti nelle fosse delle chiese da
decenni, da secoli e nessuno voleva cambiare. A Serradifalco le prime
fosse furono nella chiesa di San Francesco, in quella antica e nuova
matrice di San Leonardo, e nelle altre chiese, che man mano andavano
Nel 1825, il 14 ottobre, il Sindaco comunicava all'Intendente di
avere saputo, attraverso i registri, che ii cimitero fuori l'abitato,
era stato eretto in dal 1784 a spese del Duca di Serradifalco, per
seppellirvi i cadaveri.
Era il Cimitero di San Giuseppe, cioè un oratorio accanto alla chiesa,
che era sorta l'anno prima 357.
Ed il Sindaco Sferrazza aggiunge che questa chiesa rimane ancora
la piu idonea allo scope. Un mese dopo ritira la proposta, e rileva che
il seppellimento in quella arreca pregiudizio alla salute degli
abitanti, «essendo la chiesa senza coverticcio e con molti rettili». E
consigliabile scegliere le altre dell' «Imrnacolata» e del «Purgatorio».
Ad un anno di distanza, il 10 giugno 1831, viene chiesto lo
Stato delle sepolture gentilizie esistenti nel commune.
Idem, vol. 3243.
Chiese, confratrie o
lle ove esistono le se-
polture |
Famiglie cui
appartengono |
come siasi glusuficata
proposta |
1 - Nella Matrice
esistono 3 sepolture
2 - Chiesa e Congregazio-
ne del SS. Rosario 2 se-
3 - Chiesa dell'Anime del
Purgatorio 1 sepoltura
4 - Chiesa dell'lmrnacota-
ta Concezione 1 sepoltura |
Il Duca di Serradifalco,
Famiglie Lio e Garnbuto, Famiglie Gambuto e Sferrazza
Una della Famiglia Vaccari e la seconda
per i confrati
Filippo Coniglio e i suoi
Delli Beneficiali pro tempo
Con attestato dell'arci-
prete che da
piú di anni
30 hanno esistito
Con attestato del Vicario
direttore di d. chiesa e
Per atto di concessione
fatta dal Beneficiale e
con attestato dello stesso
giustificante di essere di-
venuto a tale concessione
per essersi dal Consiglio
erogate onze 60 per ri-
torare le fabbriche di d.
chiesa pericolante
Con attestato del Benefi-
ciale coll'esistcnza da
di anni 30 |
ASCL, Intendenza,
vol. 3243.
Fatto in Serradifalco 10 giugno 1831
I1 Sindaco ff. Salvadore Misuraca
Ten days later, on the 21st,
were published Regulations, with which they were given precise details
about the size, the shape, and custody of the cemeteries and the way to
bury the corpses. These provisions were not given any importance. The
dead had been buried in mass graves of the churches for decades, for
centuries; and no one wanted to change. At Serradifalco the first graves
were in the church of San Francesco, in the old Mother Church and the new one of San
Leonardo, and other churches, which gradually arose.
In 1825, on October 14, the Mayor communicated to the
Superintendent that he had known, through the town registers, that a
cemetery outside the main village had been erected in 1784 at the
expense of the Duke of Serradifalco, to bury the corpses.
[Note: Though on the outskirts, the church was not outside the
It was the cemetery of St. Joseph, that is, a chapel next to the church, which had risen the previous
year 357.
And Mayor Sferrazza adds that this church is still the most
suitable for the purpose. A month later he withdrew the proposal and
notes that the burial in that church is detrimental to the health of the
inhabitants, "the chapel being without cover, with many reptiles." It is
advisable to choose the other churchyards of ''Immacolata" and
Later, on June 10, 1831, he prompted the report titled
the state of noble burials in the existing town357.
357 Idem, vol. 3243.
Churches, Societies or Chapels
where there are burials |
Families to which they belong |
How the situation was justified |
1 – In the Mother church [San Leonardo]
are 3 sepulchers
2 – Church and Congregation of SS. Rosario 2 sepulchers
3 – Church of the Souls of Purgatory 1 sepulcher
4 – Church of the Immaculate Conception
1 sepulcher |
The Duke of Serradifalco, the Families Lio and
Gambuto, the Families Gambuto and Sferrazza
One for the Family Vaccari and the second
for the society members
Filippo Coniglio and his family
For the Beneficiali of the period
With certification by the archpriest that they
had existed for over 30 years
With certification by the Vicar Director of said church and
By concession made by the Beneficiale and certification
by him justifying this concession through having 60 ounces
delivered to the Council to restore unsafe elements of said
With certification by the Beneficiale that they had
existed for over 30 years |
ASCL, Superintendency, vol. 3243.
Recorded in
Serradifalco 10 June 1831
The Mayor [signed by] Salvadore Misuraca
Images from the book